5. Woman on the Verge

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Aurora let her words hang in the air, willing herself to remain calm and in control and not to show any of the inner turmoil she was feeling. She needed Albus to agree with her on this, needed his support, for otherwise this whole crazy plan of hers wouldn't work.

Albus seemed pensive, and he didn't say anything for a minute that seemed to last an eternity. He then walked over to one of the many windows in the oval room. The Headmaster's Tower showed a clear view of the Gryffindor tower, the black lake and even the forbidden forest. Briefly Aurora allowed herself the slight indulgence of thinking of the dungeons, and who would be currently residing in his personal quarters as he continued his tenure as Potions Professor. But she wouldn't let herself think of Severus, not now. Not when she was so close to getting what she wanted. 

Her Godfather had turned his back to her, looking out the window, his body silhouetted against the light pouring in. Aurora looked past him, at the the Forbidden Forest. Somehow it was darkly foreboding, filled with ominous sounds, like the creaking of the wind among the branches, as if the the trees were whispering, the tree trunks rising into the air like angry pointing fingers, high and unreachable. Thick leaves and thicker undergrowth at the forest edge, the overhanging branches, narrow and twisting paths leading into hidden depths, Aurora had always thought of the forest was a calm, peaceful place. But this one, this denser wood, choked with brambles and matted undergrowth, with its thick bushes and sprawling branches, the remnants of fallen trees dispersed like carcasses, was more of a mysterious and dark place than she'd initially given it credit for. But perhaps it was just her current disposition that allowed for those dark, more ominous thoughts to intrude into her mind.

"Well then, Aurora, what did you have in mind?" Albus asked, turning ever so slightly in her direction, the expression in his eyes unfathomable.

"We need to convince the Ministry that releasing Salome into the custody of the High Council of Alchemists is their best interest, and then have her transferred to a safe house where I -and the Order- have access to her in order to question her" Aurora stated calmly, resisting the urge to wring her hands, as it would give away the nervousness she was feeling.

"And what is it you propose we do with her? Interrogate her? She was caught sneaking into the country, you say, which would suggest she doesn't have any valuable information regarding anything-" Albus started, wondering if Aurora had lost sight of the future and had become entrenched in the echoes of the past, a part of her he'd rather not see again any time soon.

"-As of yet" Aurora interrupted, taking her chances and pointedly looking her godfather in the eyes, determination flaring in her eyes as she squared her shoulders.

"Explain yourself" Albus demanded, returning to his desk and sitting down, pressing the palms of his hands together and interlocking his fingers, resting his chin on them.

"As you are very much aware, Salome was rather involved with the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort's campaign during the First Wizarding War. She fled the country after his disappearance, and managed to elude capture. Even back in the day, the case against her was tenuous at best, with not nearly enough evidence to convict her. But now that Voldemort is back in the land of the living, with the Death Eaters wrecking havoc whenever they get the chance, she suddenly pops back up again? That's no coincidence, and you know it" Aurora said, gesturing with her hands as she spoke, determined to get through to her godfather and stating her case.

"Okay, say I agree with you that it's more than a coincidence that Salome showed up when she did, what's your angle? How do you expect to get information from her if she was apprehended before she could rejoin the Death Eaters?" Albus asked pointedly, the pensive look in his eyes giving Aurora the tiniest bit of hope.

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