6. Amalgamation

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Chapter Six: Amalgamation

"Niall, put the fucking knife down." Acedia said calmly pointing his handgun at me.

This faggot is a fucking maniac! Who the hell carries guns around in their pockets?


Shit. I knew I should've been more careful. I woke up with needles in me after I'd been attacked. That should've set off all the red lights and alarms. Now for the second time today, my life is being threatened by a faggot. That's not going to work. This time I was armed. I was not going to die at the hands of a Preserver.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I growled pointing my knife at him. This guy was a lot smaller than the one from earlier, Raphael, and though he was still taller than me by a good few centimeters, I could take him if I needed to. Right now I just need to get out that window.

I hesitated to take out my IV after what happened earlier, but I needed to get out of there and there was no way I'd be able to do that hauling around an IV pole. I untapped myself and pulled out the tubes, grateful I'd have at least thirty minutes before the vertigo set in. At least when I did I'd be alive and out of there, if I were to stay I have no doubt the faggot would try and carry out his threat. I happen to like my face a lot more alive.

"Niall!" Acedia groaned. Sorry I ruined your plans of drugging me up so you could kill me, or sell me into prostitution, or whatever gangs do, but I happen to learn from my mistakes. "Please, you're going to make yourself sick. You're already dehydrated and board line malnourished. You need help."

"Not from you." I slowly stood up from my crouched position, keeping my eyes on the gun's owner. I was trying to read his a movements or expressions, but it was like he did a complete 360 from the person he was earlier, I couldn't get anything from him.

"I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help." He slowly moved towards me, his free hand extended towards me.

I recoiled, shifting towards the window. I didn't want him to touch me. I know faggotry isn't a contagious disease like my parents used to tell me, but that didn't stop me from feeling sick whenever I was touched by one. They made me feel weird.

"See, look your hand is shaking Ni. Your breathing is out of control. You're not well." Acedia took another step towards me, shrinking my personal bubble.

He was right. I don't know how I hadn't noticed, but he was right. The hand holding the knife was shaking so hard I'm surprised it didn't fall off. The shrinkage of my bubble was making it harder to breath. If my breathing had been "out of control" before it was completely off the charts now. I was breathing faster, harder, but I still couldn't get any oxygen to flow into my lungs.

"Come on, just give me the knife and I'll fix everything." Ace was right in front me now, reaching his hand for my knife, but keeping his gun locked on me. His entire demeanor was calm. He was stooped down to my height so he could look me in the eye. The pools of blue were oddly calming and reassuring.

Why hasn't he shot me already? He could've done it and not had to go through all of this. Maybe he's not going to kill me.

"What the hell's goin' on?!" A new voice yelled a mixture of worry and anger.

I looked behind Ace at the new arrival. He was tall, taller than Ace, and larger with an athletic build. Dark curly hair sat under a tilted backwards black and blue fedora, and lightly on his face forming a barely there moustache and soul patch set. Bright hazel-green eyes stood out against his light mocha complexion. He wore a blue and black scarf over a plain white v-neck T-shirt framed by a black leather jacket. Tight black jeans and fancy blue and black joggers completed his outfit. Fucking Ebon Mixie.

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