5. Sheperd

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Chapter Five: Sheperd

Some one was beating a nail through my skull and I really didn't appreciate it. Every beat of my heart caused my head to ache worse from the extra blood pumping to my brain. I whimpered pityfully. Where's Danni? I need her to play mommy and bring me some pain medicine and orange juice. I shifted, pressing my face against the fluffy pillow trying to get more comfortable, only to realize I wasn't lying on a bed. I opened my eyes slightly but hissed in pain and snapped them shut. Light, not my friend.

I turned the other way burying my face into the, couch? The smell of vanilla assaulted my nose making my head swim. It was a nice smell, relaxing, comforting. Too comforting. I opened my eyes again, relishing the darkness though the action was still painful. Slowly, after getting used to working my eyes again, I turned over, squinting in the dim light.

Where the fuck am I? I blinked deliriously, not recognizing the dark grey ceiling above me. How the hell did I get here? I looked down at the simple pink embroidered black blanket with the what I was guessing was the name, 'Dia' embroidered in pink and zebra print in the center. What a strange name. Maybe it was supposed to say "Die" but a dyslexic person did it. I rolled over on my side and nearly groaned in pain from the dull aching sensations in my back and side. What did I do?

Shit. I grimanced as the events from earlier, unwillingly, came back to mind. I never wanted to think about those faggots again, but I couldn't help but be glad that it wasn't a repeat of the day after our 100th concert. At the same time I wished that it was. I'll never be able to forget that moment. I was almost raped. Never in my life have I felt more helpless and disgusting. I'm a man. Men aren't supposed to end up in situations like that, we can fight back. But I couldn't shake the memory. His hands on me... Him looming over me. Weight pinning me down. Smell suffocating me.

I closed my eyes and quietly stopped my hyperventilating. Stop panicking. It's over. It's all over now he can't get to me any more. Not here. Not... Where ever the fuck I am.

My eyes shot open in revelation.

What if I was kidnapped by those guys from earlier? And now they've taken me to their lair to begin their plan to turn me into a sex slave! They're gonna have to try harder than that if they think they're going to get their fairy hands on me... again. I'm not going down on fours, knees or anything else, and if they think differently they've got another fucking thing coming. I anit NOBODY'S hoe.

With as little movement as possible I surveyed my environment. The room was fairly small compared to what I was used to, though it was rather modern. Who knew human traffickers kept their whore houses so nice? Still, it's definitely a down grade from my first kidnapping scare this month. 

The walls were a much lighter grey than the ceiling, and slightly more metallic, giving the room a strange warm metal feel. The wall behind the black pleather couch, I was lying on, was decorated with a large sleek onyx metal emblem of a hissing viper. The small room was centered with a glass and black coffee table. A plain white door was positioned on the far wall to my right and what I assumed to be the beginning of a dinning room adjacent to that. From what I could see there was a kitchen connected to the dining area and open to the room I was currently in, separated by only a bar. A hallway ran back past the kitchen leading to other rooms. On the other side of the white door was another nook, which I couldn't see due to the corner obscuring my view. The wall opposite of me had a large lighter gray rectangle etched between the grey paint, indicating the present of a PGO, its controls hidden by the large sleek black and glass entertainment center positioned underneath it. The final wall adjacent to me was centered with black curtains embriodered with interesting silver designs, hiding either a glass door or a window. That would be Plan B. Plan A- get to the white door near the dinning room.

In This World Of Butterflies (1D BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें