Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two.

            My theory has been proven. You never know what you have until it’s gone. You take everything for granted when it’s right in front of your face, not realizing that at any point in time it could be taken right out of your fingertips and then you’re left exactly how I am right now, crying out of control and almost unable to breathe.

             “Sophia please, please calm down.” Justin’s hand rubbed my back as he dialed 911 but that wasn’t helping me at all. All I could think about was the voicemail I left her and how rude I was. Granted, I still don’t know why she did it, but now I’d never know. What if she had heard that message and that’s the last memory she has of me? I will never ever forgive myself.

            “Yes hi, um my wife and I, we just found a dead body.”

            As Justin was on the phone with 911, I finally got up the courage to take a closer look at her. She had been shot. The blood was dried on the side of her head that led into the tub, her eyes still open from when it hit. They looked terrified, as I expected them to be. Carina had just been murdered and the only person I could think of right now was Ben. Did he do this? I wish I hadn’t hung up the phone. Maybe that’s the reason he told Justin and I to get out of here. Was it because he didn’t want us to see what he’d done?

            “No I’m positive.” I heard Justin faintly reply. “She’s not breathing.”

            Sinking to my knees next to the tub I began to weep once more as I grabbed onto her hand. I know what she did was wrong but all of those times that she was there for me, through everything, surrounded my head. The day we got our apartment together for the first time and the day she met Justin. All of those days were gone, suddenly vanished. I had no way of going back in time to save her or ask her what happened. All I had time to do was regret the things I should have told her.

            I guess that’s what happens with death though. As soon as it happens you start to think about the things you should have done or you should have said when in reality you know you probably wouldn’t have done it if they were still alive right now. I just wish I got one more chance to hug her and one more chance to tell her how much I loved her and what a good friend she’s been. Despite what she did, she was a good friend in the past and I would do anything to delete that voicemail.

            “I love you Carina.” I whispered, the tears streaming down my cheeks. “Thank you for always being the sister I never had.”

            I remained there by her side for another fifteen seconds until I saw a piece of paper sticking out of her shirt. My fingers slowly removed it, cringing once they hit her now cold skin, and unfolded it only to sob more once the black inked words embedded into my brain.


Payback’s a bitch.


            “Justin!” I screamed and immediately heard him run into the room by my side. All my shaking body allowed me to do was hand over the note and bury my face into my hands. Who is doing this? Who is writing these things?

            “What is going on?” Justin groaned and sunk to his knees beside me, putting his face into his hands as well. “When the police get here I’ll give this to them so they can try to figure it out. I don’t know what’s going on Sophia.”

            I couldn’t even respond through all my sobs. I just rocked back and forth, my knees hugged to my chest, and wept. The only thing that was running through my mind right now was his fans. Did his fans do this? Was it because I was pregnant with his child or that I was married to him? The anger coursed through my entire body just at the thought.

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