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The child woke from his nightmare, sitting up and huffing badly trying to get his breathing in check. He looked around his quite small room.

Once his breathing came in check, he heard his name from downstairs. He walked down the steps to the dining room where his family sat, his brothers and father. No mother.

He sighed realizing he didn't end it. As much as he wanted to. He just couldn't. He was 16 now. It was his birthday, and his mother's death-day. The one day of 365 days of a year that he dreaded the most. The one day that his family picked on him and hurt him.

He sat down and waited patiently for his family to finish their big breakfast as they decided not to share a scrap with him. Once finished, they left for the bus. The kid put headphones in the IPod, he had "borrowed" from one of his brothers, not that they noticed. He also "borrowed" a laptop for a bit to download a bunch of songs on it. All Nightcore. So he put his headphones in and pulled his hood up.

He waited for the bus, not listening to his brothers conversation. The bus came and he walked to the back of the bus, attempts to trip him along the way, but he knew all the rows by memory and who was in them.

He sat down and looked out the window, not noticing when his two friends took a seat by him.

Michelangelo sighed as a tear rolled down his cheek, this was the worst day of his entire year.

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