Is it the end?

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okay... i am gonna take it where i see it. Hopefully it will turn out good. Let's go.

'This is it' Mikey thought. Sitting on his bed. 'I'm gonna end myself tonight. In a few hours. I better write them notes goodbye. All of them.'

Mikey pulled out his pen and paper that he drew with. Mikey dreamed of being a artist. But, Splinter crushed his dreams while looking at a family picture of what he wanted his family to be like.

That thought brought tears to Mikey's eyes. So he wrote his first letter.

'Dear Splinter,

Father, I hope you can forgive me of my wrongs. How I became a part of this family, ended Mother, and ruined your lifes.

I want you to know that all my life I wanted to be loved by you guys. To be loved by you. Like you love my brothers, how you've always treated them. Like a person.

Not just a piece of garbage left to be picked up.

I wanted you to tell story's of Mother. What she looked like, or how she reated to things.

But that all ended thanks to me. All I can say is... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that i am such a disapointment to the Hamato name. How I ruined all of your lifes, in hope of being a good son and brother.

I hope this makes you happy.


Signed, Micalangelo.'

Mikey sighed and folded it up. Putting his fathers name, then setting it down, and grabbing a new piece. Signing his oldest brother's name.

'Dear Leonardo,

Can you and the others please forgive me. I know you won't care nor the others when I am gone from this world.

Like Raphael said, probably rotting in hell.

I know what I have done wrong, being on this planet.

People wonder what their purpose in life is, while I wonder why I have to be here. Suffering wach coming day with a sigh.

Wondering when I will be loved. Even if you loved me after all this, i'd be gone. I always saw how you cared for Donnie and Raph and hoped that i'd be next to be loved. To be cared for.

But it never came.

I wanted and hoped for that moment but God saw how much of a mistake i was to, and forbid me of being loved.

This is my punshment, and i'm gonna end it.

I hope you can love me now.

Sincerly, Michalangelo.'

He sighed and folded it up, and signed Leonardo onto it and set it next to his father's and grabbed another piece of paper, starting the next one.

'Dear Donatello,

I know you may never forgive me, but I wanna try.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for being your little brother, for being alive on this wreched planet.

If I could turn back time, I would find a way to prevent myself from being born. For all of you. To make you guys happy.

I never wanted to make you guys disappointed, but i always found a way.

And for that i'm sorry.

I'm sorry for ruining your expiriments, for breaking your things.

For being me.

I couldn't sit still long enough and wanted something to do, so every time that happened i wanted to see if you loved me yet. The answer was always no.

I searched online at school, and turns out i have ADHD. I found that out before someone pushed the computer off the desk and put the blame on me while the teacher was right there. Watching the whole thing but still belived him.

I got in trouble.

The principel got so mad he punched me. It hurt. I had a bruise.

I never wanted to end like this, but my life has had nothing important, so i decided to just simply end it. I have no point in life. Everyone hates me. What am i supposed to do? Sit there and pretend i have a point? i can't anymore.

So i hope this makes you happy.

Sincerly, Michalangelo.'

Mikey once again sighed and folded it up. Writing Donatello on the back and putting it with the others.

Once more he grabbed a piece of paper, and starting it off.

'Dear Raphael,

I know you hated me the most. So i hope thisr makes you the most happy.

No matter what happened, i looked up to you the most. Always hoping you would accept me as a brother and loving me the same. But i realised under all that hate. No love for Michalangelo lived.

I knew one day, this would happen. Hoping that the day would come sooner then later. But 15 long years later, it's here.

The one day i could make my family happy.

Or hope so, cause i won't be alive to find out.

Can you please do me a favor and at least be happy i'm gone.

That you enjoyed one thing i've done.

This is what you wanted, right? Me gone?

I always thought you wanted that because of the many times you told me to "Burn in hell" or "Die in a hole".

Well, here you go. I will burn in hell for you and the others.

Can you tell April, Shini, Renet, Mona, and Karai i'll miss them, and that i'm sorry to.

Well this is it.

The time is 11:45. 15 minutes until my birthday. Or my death day.

Goodbye Raphael. I hope you can live peacefully now.

Sincerly, Michalangelo.'

Mikey put down his pencil and folded the paper putting his brothers name on the back. He set up a chair and hung a noose from the ceiling. He looked around the dusty attic that gave him chills every night.

This was it, in less then 15 minutes. He'd end himself.

He decided to put the notes on his bed, next to where he'd hang, til he was found.

He stood on the chair and waited for midnight. It was 11:59 and almost midnight.

His last words were," Goodbye world." Before he took that last and final step.

Goodbye Michalangelo Hamato.


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