So far so good.


Winter's P.O.V.

As I wake up, I feel absolutely horrible. Today is reaping day. I groan and force myself out of bed. When I look in the mirror I nearly have a heart attack at the reflection that stares back at me. My eyes are puffy and red with bags underneath them, my brown hair looks like road kill, and my lips are beyond chapped.

I go to the bathroom and fix myself up. I splash cold water on my face and attempt to brush my hair. When all the knots are out, I braid my hair to the side.

I go back to my room and look for a dress to wear. I only own three. I usually wear t-shirts and training pants. Why would I have training pants, you may ask? I train in my basement with my parents. My house is sort of big, compared to the rest of the district. My dad taught me how to yield knives and my mom taught me how to use the bow and arrow. They wanted me to learn incase I went into the games. So I've been training ever since, secretively.

I pull out a light blue dress from the back of my closet and put it on. It goes a little farther down my knees and it feels pretty comfortable.

I put on a pair of black boots and look at myself in the mirror. This definitely doesn't look like my normal self. I shrug it off and go downstairs for breakfast, immediately being greeted with a big hug from my dad.

"Hiya honey! Did you have a good sleep?" he asks me.

I laugh, "No, not really."

He frowns. "Why not? Are you feeling sick or something?" He starts feeling my forehead but I just laugh again.

"No, I'm just nervous for the reaping."

"Well, maybe some breakfast will make you feel better." he says as he hands me a plate of bacon and toast. I eat slowly, savoring each bite. As I take my last bite, my mom comes up from the basement. She smiles at me.

"Morning, Winnie! Come here, I have something to give to you." she tells me.

I stand up and walk over to her where she hands me a rectangular box. "Open it." She whispers.

I open it and see my reflection through a beautiful nine inch knife. There's a beautiful design on the blade, and on the handle there's a white wolf that's howling at the moon. It's so perfect and pristine that I'm afraid to get my grubby fingerprints all over it.

"It was a gift to me from your grandfather. And now, I'm giving it to you." she says. I hug her and whisper a thank you.

I put the knife in a slot in my boot. I talk with my parents for a little bit until I hear the doorbell ring. My mom opens it and there stands Autumn with a smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Cross! I've come to pick up Winter!" she says. Autumn has been my one and only best friend since I was four. It all started out when we told each other our names. It's funny since our names are not only seasons, but our favorite seasons.

"Bye dad, bye mom. I'll see you after the reaping!" I hug them goodbye as I walk with Autumn to the town square.

"So Autumn, how's Axel doing?" I nudge her in the arm.

Her face turns red and says, "He's fine." Axel is her new boyfriend and they seem to be having the time of their lives.

"What about you?" she asks me.

"What about me?"

"Have you found a special someone yet?"

I laugh at her. "Autumn, you and I both know that I don't plan on having a relationship any time soon. Now let's leave it at that."

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now