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Oh, how much Bryn loves the last week of school, seeing how different students react. Some stay calm even though they have multiple exams coming up while others over dramatize it claiming there going to be dead by the end of it, or how some students such as Max Zanch and his jock gang will not even attempt to do well on the quiz , but mess around the entire time. Guess when you're parents dont give a shoot about their kids they can get away with literally and absolutely everything. She could only imagine how annoying it would be to have a single class with him let alone three like Sam. Bryn turns up the sound in of her headphones on the bus trying to drown out all the people talking loudly. Like its a public place i know you probably don't care that half the people here don't want to know how you cheated on Charlie with Jessica but just try to be quiet god. The bus suddenly stops at its last location with a jolt that sends almost everyone flying, like it does everytime it stops there, the kids at the stop beging to get into the bus. How can people be so stupid and not prepare before the stop i mean you've all been on the same bus for a 177 days on this bus i don't understand. BRYN! She flinches at the yell but doesn't even look to see who it was, she responds with a cold, What!? Its a guys voice, God well i know you are sooo emo and hate people but a hello would be nice for a guy to here from his girlfriend. It was Aaron aka one of the only three people i care about that go to this school. As she looks up and says with a southern twist. Howdy Partner, she see the expression on his face and quickly responds with worry in her voice, Whats up? Aaron looks at her straight in the eyes, Can you just tell me what happend with you and Britney, how did you piss her of this time. Huh weird he never cares about me and Britney's feuds. I didn't do anything INTENTIONAL this time i promise, i just tripped over her extended foot and it backfired because the slushie i was holding, Bryn holds back a laugh, exploded on her.

Aaron laughs to then says, First of all i, damn i with i could have seen that but Second of all, she's going to go after you. Bryn isn't even fazed, Yeah she always does let me guess, Bryn looks at Aarons face and examines it, she can see a new bruise on his collar bone that looks like he was desperately trying to cover it up with foundation but failed miserably. He's slightly sweating and looks like he gave up on his hair and its knots, Ok she responds i've got a general idea about whats shes going to do

One, She points at Aarons twin brother that's at the back of the bus and starts to make her case, I can see that bruise on you collar bone im going to guess that you and your brother got in a fight last night, Brit told him about what i did and he took it out on you right, Aaron nods, Doing good so far then he told you what Brit was going to do and since you seem worried i'm guessing it's going to be public humiliation that involves a slushie right? He nods again, then at 12:21 that's when she always does something that affects someone else, i bet she'll trip and spill slushie on me or straight up pour it on my head maybe get Jessica and Tiffaney to do the same, Solution i don't have to go to lunch i can hang out in the bathroom. Aaron stops her, Im not letting you eat in a germy and disgusting bathroom Bryn , i think you forgot ill be at lunch to and ill stand up for you if it come to that and Second , he opens his mouth in amazement, How are you able to do that i swear you are a undercover cop Oh my god. Bryn laughs she loves to see him when hes amazed by her skills if you even call them that. Well you just have to pay attention, but i know that it would be hard for you with you ADHD. HEY that's a serious condition you bi-. The bus stop and students shove each other to get off, they have arrived at school.

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