I tensed up and continued to struggle in my bounds, snarling at him in anger, not answering his question. "Let us go." I ordered.

"Oh but I've got big plans for you, Grease, big plans, indeed." The Soc suddenly grabbed my chin and pulled me forwards a little and I went rigid in fear, flinching as he gripped my face.

He smirked dangerously at me, his nose a few inches away from mine and I cringed, a little scared.

"Wh-what are you going to do to us?" I whimpered out a little, wishing he'd let go of my face.

The Soc chuckled with a smirk. "You'll see, pretty boy. My name's Bob by the way. And we're gonna have lots of fun together."

With that he suddenly let go of my face and punched me, making me yelp, feeling his rings slice my face open.

I whimpered from the stinging pain, hanging my head, breathing heavily, feeling blood run down my face, shaking in fear now.

I looked back at him to see him smirking at me with a low snicker, huffing. "Awww, is the pretty boy scared?"

Bob started reaching for my face again and I flinched back, trying not to gasp as I cowered, when we both heard a muffled groan and Bob stopped.

I looked over to see Two-Bit was waking up and I tensed, hoping he was okay. "T-Two-Bit!" I whimpered out his name with big eyes.

Two-Bit slowly raised his head with another groan, eyes fluttering open, shaking his head a little, looking tired and confused.

But when he looked down to see the ropes his eyes went wide and he whimpered, shaking his head no, quickly beginning to jerk and struggle around.

I whimpered as I watched him, wishing we both weren't tied up. "Two-Bit!"

Two-Bit's head whipped up and his eyes found me, looking scared as he pulled and jerked wildly at the ropes holding him down. "Mmm mmm! Mmmm!"

His eyes landed on Bob and then they turned stormy, yelling out some more things but his voice was muffled from the tape.

I frowned deeply and gulped hard, trying not to shake, watching my friend jerk and pull at the ropes desperately and I wondered if he was more frightened or angry.

I gasped as I watched Bob get up and start for Two-Bit with a growl. "N-No! Don't you hurt him, Bob!" I cried and began jerking at my own ropes, hoping he wouldn't hurt Two.

Two-Bit squirmed around and yelled out as he jerked everywhere in the chair, glaring when Bob came up to him. "Mmm mmmm! Rrrr!"

Bob ripped off Two's tape and Two-Bit gasped, breathing heavily, his eyes narrow and wide. "Wh-what the f*** man?" He snarled at Bob, continuing to struggle. "You-you kidnapped us?! Soda are you okay?!"

Two-Bit's eyes left Bob and looked back at me quickly and I swallowed hard, giving a nod. "I-I'm okay, Two! Are you?!"

Two-Bit was still catching his breath, jerking his shoulders around quickly as he still struggled everywhere, his narrowed eyes going back to Bob. "I-I'm okay! But this a****** kidnapped us!" He spat and Bob just glared.

"Oh boo hoo, suck it up," He sneered in hatred at Two-Bit. "And quit struggling so much!" He barked.

Two-Bit was struggling a lot. He was jerking everywhere and pulling, squirming and twisting his shoulders quickly in an attempt to get his arms free.

I dunno if he was struggling so much because he was scared or if it was just a natural instinct for him. After all being tied up does arouse fear for a lot of people.

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