Chapter 6 ~ Battle Royal

Start from the beginning

Out of breath I took a seat beside Tsu and scanned the field. Down below was Kirishima and a student from class 1-B. I believe his name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, "that's a mouthful" I mumbled under my breath which caught the attention of Tsu who looked at me confused and shrugged before looking back at the battle that was about to start. "BEGIN!!!" The two took off and headed straight for each other both landing a solid hit to each others cheek. I winced and chuckled gaining Tsu's attention once again. "How crazy is it that in a random draw for battles these two are chosen to fight each other" I said, not looking away from the battle below. Tsu nodded her head and continued "they both have the same strengths and weaknesses since both of them have hardening quirks, this could go on for quite some time" I nodded in agreement and winced once again when Tetsutetsu nailed Kirishima hard on the right cheek, Kirishima hit I'm back hard with and upper cut to the chin.

After about 10 minutes of the two duking it out and about an even amount of hits for the both of them, they both fell unconscious. "It's a tie!!" This coming from Midnight who signalled for stretchers to take the two to the infirmary. "In the event of a tie we'll determine our winner once both contestants have recovered with a quick arm wrestling match!" I stood up and stretched, "well I better go get some food, I'm starving!" I said a bit too enthusiastically and obviously a lie. Tsu smirked "tell Kirishima I said good job..." I blushed and began to walk away. 'Is this crush or whatever's going on really that obvious?' I thought as I made my way to the infirmary. On my way I passed the cafeteria and my stomach growled. 'Maybe I should get something..."

As I opened the door to the infirmary I was met by recovery girl who was grabbing bandages from the counter. "Oh hello? Are you hurt? Do you have any wounds?" She squished her lips together and stretched them out so they were coming right for my face. Shielding my face with my hands I stuttered, "o-oh no! I'm fine! I'm actually looking for someone, I brought him food" I held up the bag and she made an o shake with her mouth and stepped back. "Who're you looking for dear?" She began to walk away and i followed her, "I'm looking for a Kirishima? Ejirou Kirishima?" Before recovery girl could reply and curtain flew open and a wide eyed red head popped out. "Mei?" I turned to him and instantly blushed when I saw the he was shirtless and his hair was down instead of spiked up. Recovery girl saw my reaction and poked my hand gaining my attention. "You know how to wrap these dear?" she said as she held up the bandages. "Umm yeah, I could use some practice thou-" she cut me off when she placed the bandages in my hand and gave me a little push toward Kirishima. I blushed and looked over at recovery girl who was smirking and giving me a thumbs up. 'Jeez is it really that obvious?!' I sighed and began to make my way over to Kirishima and shut the curtain behind us. "Hey how you doin?" I said quietly as I took a seat next the the bed Kirishima was sitting on. He sighed and scratched his head "ah could be better, a little scratched up but nothing I can't handle." I smiled and handed him the bag of food. "This is for you, I stopped to grab some food and thought you'd probably be hungry too after your match." He grabbed it from me and unwrapped the package to reveal a freshly made sandwich. "Thank you!" He said excitedly and bit into it. He quickly scarfed down the sandwich and licked his lips. "Didn't you get anything for yourself?" I nodded "yeah I ate it along the way, I was pretty hungry too." He nodded and we both went into an awkward silence. I cleared my throat and broke the silence, "so what am I supposed to be wrapping up" Kirishima shot up "oh yeah right!" He held out his left hand which was covered with a few cuts, nothing deep enough to leave a scar but still had to be wrapped up so they wouldn't get infected. I grabbed his hand in mine and began to wrap his hand up gently. "You did good out there by the way" Kirishima said as he studied my work on his hand. I paused and chuckled, "thank you, but it was more of an equipment advertisement rather than a battle" Kirishima laughed with me and I continued to wrap his hand "you did good too, your match was pretty exciting, you nervous for the tie breaker?" He shrugged and sighed gently, "may the manliest man win you know?" I looked up at him and smiled "well you're pretty manly so I think you got this in the bag" he chuckled and muttered a thank you. Once I finished wrapping up his hand I gave it a final check and patted it, "hopefully this is alright... I'm not the greatest" he looked it over and gave me a thumbs up. "Feels pretty good to me!" We gave each other a smile and looked into each others eyes. We both stared for multiple seconds before I felt my body begin to move on its own, slowly I leaned closer to Kirishima and I saw him slowly do the same. I blushed a deep red and licked my lips nervously, 'what am I doing!? Why can't I stop?!' a thousand thoughts we're running through my mind as we continued to slowly inch in toward each other. We were so close, close enough to feel his warm breath brush against my lips, I shivered and closed my eyes. I felt his hand rest on my upper thigh and his nose brushed against mine, we were centimetres apart when a loud *whoosh* flooded the room and I threw my body back in panic, so hard so that I flipped my entire chair over. Both recovery girl and Kirishima gasped at my sudden fall but I quickly bounced back up and smiled nervously, my face covered in a deep red blush. I pointed at the chair and chuckled nervously, "haha yup... those chairs are preeeeetty tippy..." I scratched the back of my head nervously and glanced at Kirishima who glanced nervously back at me with a blush formed on his cheeks. "I uh... I'm gonna head out now" I said nervously and scooted past the chair and recovery girl and made my way to the door. Before walking out I paused and turned back to the two. "I'll see you at the tie breaker!" and booked it down the hallway.

'What the hell just happened?!'

I am sooooo sorry this took so long to get out. Next time I go on hiatus I'll be sure to let you all know. Another thing while I was gone though, 264 views! Holy shit! I didn't think I'd get this far with this story! I'm super pumped to see how much views I can get on this story in the future! Next chapter I'll hopefully be finishing of the sorts festival arc and getting on to the next. And I hope this last scene with Mei and Kiri wasn't too cheesy. Let me know!!

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