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Ashton woke up without a single memory of the day before, but he had gotten a glimpse of the future. He had foreseen that in the future he'll be boarding a plane with someone he loved. Quickly he checked his notes.


- PE today; bring gym clothes

- Homework due today

- Get Hannah to sign permission slip

- Leftover pizza in fridge for dinner

Seemed easy enough. He stretched and winced when his bones popped. Ashton showered quickly and dressed in black skinny jeans and a brown and white Nirvana shirt. Tugging a maroon beanie over his unruly curls, he flew downstairs.

"Morning Hannah. Where's Daniel?" Ashton asks, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and shining it on his shirt.

"Left for work early," Hannah explains. Ashton chews on his apple until he's finished and tosses the core in the trash.

"Bye Hannah," He hugs her and swipes his lunch money from the countertop, sprinting out the door. Ashton luckily makes it to the bus stop before his bus gets there.

Soon enough, the yellow bus is pulling up to the stop. The door opens and Ashton gets on. He's the only kid at this stop. He sits down in an empty seat and plugs his earphones into his iPhone.

"Are you still alive?

Are you scared inside?

Providence is blind when you're terrified."

He's not sure when he downloaded a song by Story Of The Year but he likes it anyway so he supposes it didn't really matter.

The bus pulls up in front of the school five songs later. Ashton and a mass of other students pour out of the bus and head to their friends.

He sighed, adjusting his bag straps and walking over to his favorite spot to sit. It was under the cherry blossom tree. He wasn't really sure why he liked it, but he did.

"Ashton!" Suddenly somebody tackled him, and he probably would have gotten hurt if the other person didn't curl around him protectively.

Ashton lands on top of them and cranes his neck to see Michael Clifford.

"Wha- wait what?" He splutters, getting off of Michael, who sat up.

"Forget me already, huh?" Michael pouts. "This everyday amnesia thing is really shit, mate."

"How do you know about that?" Ashton demands.

"You told me. Come on we've been friends for nine months now. How come you don't know who I am?"

"Oh," Ashton says in realization. "I didn't read my journal entry from yesterday."

"Sucks," Michael pouts again. His green eyes are shining so brightly, they're practically glimmering. Ashton likes his hair. It's green. He cards his fingers through the locks of hair and Michael purrs in bliss.

"Are you part cat?" Ashton asks, removing his hand. Michael whines and nudges his head against Ashton's arm.

"Yes," He answers, butting Ashton with his head. Ashton sighs and lifts his fingers up to play with the strands of hair.

"I think," Michael starts. "I think I like Calum Hood."

He points to a boy for Ashton's benefit. He's pretty good looking, with tan skin and muscular arms. Ashton's jaw drops as he remembers slightly that Michael's never mentioned being into guys.

Everyday AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now