Yu Na's voice startled me out of my reverie.

"Huh, what?"

"You've been staring at your phone for over 5 minutes now. Looking like someone sent you a death threat."

I had spaced out again. Min Ri's chat was open and it had a couple more messages.

Ri Ri : *This is his number.*

There was a contact folder attached with the message.

Ri Ri : *I was going to give him yours.*

NO! I grabbed the phone, stumbling over my own feet and grabbing onto the side rails for support.

Ki Ki : *Min Ri! If you've sent him my number I am never coming over to the restaurant again!*

Ri Ri : *But I didn't. Because I knew you were going to react this way.*

Yes. Let's all tease me and have a good laugh.

Ki Ki : *I don't have a good feeling about this, Ri. Do I have to go?*

Ri Ri : *Nae. Absolutely. Think of all the free cappuccinos you can drink with him.*

Ki Ki : *Yah! Don't get ahead of yourself. How do you even know if it'll work out between us?*

Ri Ri : *Because I have a good feeling about this. He's totally your type. And besides, he is VERY good-looking. Aww, you'll make the cutest babiestogether!*

Ki Ki : *Goodbye, Ri Ri.*

Ri Ri : *Yeah, yeah. Don't be late, Ki Ki and do not forget to text me once you get back!*

Cute babies? Totally my type? This was so not my scene. What was I doing, agreeing to this?

If this were a mission to capture a rabid gargoyle, I would have jumped at the opportunity. Sadly, it involved interaction with a boy. Apparently, a very good-looking one at that.

I could scare him off. Play around with the knives at our table. Or maybe I'd wear my resting bitch face to the date. I would get the free coffee and freedom from dating. Win-win. For me, ofcourse.

Yu Na's phone went off distracting me from my evil plotting.

"Huh. It's an unknown number."

I glanced at her phone screen and sure enough, it was a local number but an unknown one.

"Take it."

"Lo?" Noise blared out through the phone's speakers when she took the call and Yu Na winced, holding the device away from her ear.

Someone was shouting from the other side but the music was too loud to make out who it was or what they were saying.

I grabbed the phone from her and put it on loud speaker. EDM mixed with the voices of people screaming echoed through the gym. One voice was louder than the rest.

"YU NA-YA! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" His voice was scattered but we knew who it was.

"Kyro. Where the hell are you instead of being at the centre?"

He said something but we lost him. I turned down the volume and held the device closer to both our ears.

"Can you hear me?? Gwendoline? Yu Na?"

"Not a thing! It's way too noisy over there, you idiot!"

Yu Na took the phone back and turned the speaker mode off. She must be able to hear better now, because she was waving her hands about as she spoke to him.

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