Surah Nasr (The Help)

119 27 7

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Iza jaa-a nas rullahi walfath

Wa ra-aitan naasa yadkhuloona fee deenil laahi afwajah

Fa sab bih bihamdi rabbika was taghfir, innahu kaana tawwaaba

In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful.

1. When Allah's help comes, and the victory,

2. And you see people entering Allah's religion in masses,

3. Then praise your Lord and ask Him for forgiveness. Surely, He is always ready to forgive.

Surat an-Nasr consists of three aayaat and was the last complete surah of the Qur'an to be sent down. In fact, it was revealed during the Prophet's Farewell Pilgrimage in the tenth year of the Hijrah in Mina, about three months before the Prophet's death.

This surah indicates that the mission of the Prophet (PBUH) had been completed. It was a sign of the approaching end of the life of Allah's Messenger (PBUH).

Only two years before, the holy city of Makkah had been taken over peacefully by an army of 10,000 believers. The Ka'bah and the city had been cleansed of idolatry and of all evil practices. Now, about 124,000 believers accompanied the Prophet (PBUH) on his Farewell Pilgrimage. Islam now had spread beyond Makkah and Madinah to include all of Arabia. Tribe after tribe came to offer their pledge to the Prophet (PBUH). The mission of the Prophet (PBUH) had become victorious. It is reported that from the time this surah was sent down until the Prophet's death, he used to repeat over and over, 'subhaanak-AIIaahumma Allaahummaghfirlee' wa bihamdika, Glory be to You 0h Allah, and praise; forgive me 0h Allah! Whenever a person is successful in any field of his life, no matter how much he has done or sacrificed, he should always try to remain humble before his Lord and thank Him for His help.

Source: Islamic Studies, Darrussalam Publication.

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