famous landmarks

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" famous landmarks "

   Damon eventually left the dorm room, upset that Bonnie wouldn't tell him who she was talking to

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   Damon eventually left the dorm room, upset that Bonnie wouldn't tell him who she was talking to. I tried to follow him out, just to see where he was going, but Enzo grabbed my wrist again. "You are going to stick by me for the time being, sweetheart." Again, he was stronger than me, so even though I tried to fight him off, his grip didn't budge.

   A witch showed up to cross over to the other side, and I hoped the process would distract Enzo enough for me to get away, but it didn't. Even through his little bicker with Bonnie, his grip remained. I eventually gave up; knowing that even if I used all my strength, his hand wouldn't release my own.

Not long after the witch crossed over, another soul appeared in front of Bonnie, calling out her name in confusion. By the sound of his voice, I was able to tell it was Tyler without even looking at him, and was able to hide behind Enzo before being seen.

It was obvious that Tyler was dead, by the fact that he suddenly appeared in the room, and it was obvious he didn't know he was dead. Someone who died, and knew it, would have been the least bit of disgruntled or sad, but Tyler was just confused by the sudden time jump he experienced. "How the hell did I get here?" He asked, only taking a glance at Enzo, without asking about the girl's hand he was holding.

"You're dead," Bonnie stated, almost unemotionally, as if she was used to saying that now. "And, you're you. Caroline was right." Bonnie took a few steps closer to Tyler, "dying eliminated your passenger."

I'd watched Tyler a few days ago, and I knew right off the bat that he wasn't himself. I wouldn't have guessed that a Traveller had taken over his body, but when I followed Caroline afterwards, I heard her mention it. "Hang on," Tyler paused, "did you say I'm dead?"

Bonnie nodded, "I did, but we can bring you back."

Enzo sighed, obviously annoyed. "And, the list keeps growing."

Both Bonnie and Tyler ignored Enzo's comment, but, if Tyler weren't a werewolf with heightened hearing, I would've told him to shut up myself. "I need you to trust me, okay?"

"Do I have a choice?" Tyler asked with no intention of getting an answer. Seconds later, Bonnie started groaning in pain, and I stupidly assumed that meant Tyler was already gone. I took my place beside Enzo a moment too soon, and my heart broke a little as Tyler looked even more confused than when he had first shown up.

No matter where Enzo followed Bonnie, he made sure to drag me along as well. I eventually asked if I could just walk beside him without being held onto, even promising to not run away, but he didn't believe me. "If you want to let go of my hand, that's fine, I'll be sure to tell little Elena that you've watched her get it on with your boyfriend when I go back to the land of the living. Sound good?" Was his answer. Obviously I continued to hold his hand, with gusto, just to keep him happy.

The three of us ended up in one of the many classrooms within the college. Bonnie looked out the window as she talked on the phone with Jeremy. Enzo and I sat in the two desk nearest the door, hands still stuck together.

I had no desire to listen in on the conversation going on between Bonnie and Jeremy, especially since Bonnie was tearing up. It was obvious that it was meant to be a private conversation, so I just focused on what I would say to Elena and Damon if I am able to go back to the real world. 'I didn't watch you guys' seemed like an obvious lie. I mean one is my sister and the other my ex, why wouldn't I have watched them at least in the beginning? 'You guys have my complete blessing' could have seemed like less of a lie, but it would've still been a lie. Did they even need my blessing? I mean, I did die, they're free to do whatever they like.

'I'm happy you guys didn't get held up on my death for too long.' That's not a lie, it could work. 'I wish it would've been with other people.' That's also not a lie, but would definitely hurt them to hear. Should I not say anything? Should I act like I hadn't watched them at all and kept to myself whilst on the other side? Should I just be pulled into Oblivion and not let Bonnie bring me back? If I do get brought back, should I not return in front of them? I've always wanted to visit all the famous landmarks. Space Needle. Statue of liberty. The grand canyon.

Such thoughts left my mind as Enzo spoke for thre first time since entering the classroom. It was obvious that he didn't care about whether Bonnie's call was private or not. "What exactly is your plan?" He asked after Bonnie ended the call.

"My plan is my job... Just like the spell is yours, which apparently you suck at. Should be on the road already." Bonnie muttered as she started walking out of the class, only to stop in her tracks as someone walked in.

This time, it was impossible to hide behind Enzo in time, with us both sitting. "I'm late, aren't I? My bad. I was watching some 80-year-old witch get dragged off to never, never land. It was uh- weirdly entertaining." I was positive he was Stefan. I remember hearing about a Salvatore doppelganger, but everything about this guy is similar to Stefan. At least with Katherine and Elena, you could tell them apart.

Apparently his being was confusing to Bonnie as well. "Stefan?" She asked with uncertainty.

Enzo stood up, making me stand as well. This Stefan didn't look like he cared about me whatsoever, as our eyes met, he only smirked. The real Stefan wouldn't do that. "Not exactly. Bonnie, meet the Traveler with our one-way ticket out of here, although you may know him better as an ancient immortal with a desperate need of a cure." Enzo explained, and ended the confusion Bonnie and I shared.

"Oh my God. Silas? You killed my dad." Bonnie only looked angry and hurt now, the confusion completely gone.

Silas obviously didn't feel bad about leaving Bonnie an orphan. "And now, I'm gonna help you bring your dead friends back to life, and me along with them. So, what do you say? Bygones?"


this chapter is boring as well, but i didn't want to leave out certain things and people comment "what did Tyler say when he seen her-" ya feel? anyways, sorry this is later than I said it would be, I wasnt really in a writing mood again ahaha. The next chapter will definitely be the one where the bringing back the dead will happen, even if it ends up being over 1000 words. please like and comment your opinions!


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