the chance missed

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" the chance missed "

   From the moment I died, everyone assumed I found peace

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   From the moment I died, everyone assumed I found peace. Since I avoided Jeremy; who gained the ability to see ghosts the night I died;  he never saw me - causing him and everyone else believe I "went into the light". I supposed I could have come out to Jeremy, and let everyone know I was still there with them, but I didn't want them to know that I was too unhappy to move on.

   I had one chance to cross over a few months after I died, when I seen Damon and Elena had moved on enough to smile and laugh with each other. I was content enough to be granted the option to go, but the bright light disappeared the second I seen Damon rest his hands on Elena's cheeks and say 'I want you to remember the things you felt when he was gone.' Deep down I knew all their shared smiles, laughs and dangerously long eye contact was a sign that their friendship was fading and being replaced with something deeper, but I was able to convince myself that it was just their own type of grieving process.

   My mind was convinced enough that that's all it was, that I had seen the light. But when Damon practically confessed without even saying the direct words of 'I like you', there was no way to deny it anymore. Damon's love for me was close to gone, and my chance to move on was leaving with it. A few months, and a few kisses between Damon and Elena later, when Elena called Damon to tell him she was choosing Stefan, I thought maybe that was the moment the light could come back.

  The only reason I was stuck there was because I was unhappy seeing Damon fall for my sister, and I thought the idea of him moving onto someone else who wasn't related to me would make me happy enough to be able to leave. But that potential happiness left quickly, as Elena died by driving off the same bridge our parents died on. She turned into a vampire- thanks to the blood the doctor gave her the day before. At that point, I was unhappy because Damon and Elena were only getting closer now that she was trying to figure everything out, and I was upset because she was a vampire.

  For the last two years, I've been unhappily watching Elena and Damon fall more in love, I've watched many people die, and some of them come back. I've watched a lot, without the people I was watching's knowledge. So, when the place I was living started to fall apart, resulting in my fellow ghosts becoming visible to me, and them being sucked into oblivion, I was ready to go with them.

The first ghost I seen was a good looking man with a British accent. I recognized his face, but couldn't put a name to it. I'd seen him around Damon once or twice, but didn't really know him. That being said, I was fairly confused when he called out my name when his eyes landed on me.

  "You're Damon's girl's twin, right?" He asked, but before I could answer him, he grabbed my wrist and started pulling me. "We've got to find Bonnie."

   The mysterious British man pulled me all the way to Whittemore College, where Bonnie, Caroline and Elena attended. He took me to their shared dorm room to be more exact. The British man and I stood behind Bonnie's back quietly while Damon destroyed everything on the fireplace mantel. The man's hand was tightly wrapped around my hand; at some point it must've slid from my wrist to my hand, but I didn't know when.

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