pinky promise

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chapter nine
" pinky promise "

"There's my girl!" Kai beamed at me as I walked towards him, Bonnie, and Damon. They were all standing in the front yard of the boarding house. Bonnie was whispering something to Damon, but I didn't care to listen in to hear what they were talking about. "I've been waiting for you! Where have you been?"

"Just walking around," I lied, my throat burning as I spoke for the first time since the morning. The yelling, crying and lack of liquids not mixing well. I had been sitting in the cemetery, where all the Gilbert graves would be in the real world, contemplating all the scenarios that could've happened had I not gone to the quarry that night. Wishing I didn't have blood in my system the night I died and became a vampire- so I would've have been alive to make the stupid choices I did. But, I wasn't going to tell them that.

I left the house not too long after talking with Damon, only Kai acknowledging my leave; waving his jam covered fingers in my direction with a wink before returning to the map Bonnie was using for a locator spell. I wondered if Damon was listening to my heart beat, to know if I was lying or not. I don't think he would comment on it either way, he didn't even look in my direction.

Something must have been up between the three of them. Bonnie was holding some type of newspaper while glaring at Kai. I didn't want to outwardly ask what was going on, and knew better than to look into Damon's head, so I just stayed silent, staring at them. "Blair, I'll catch you up." Bonnie finally spoke, coming to grab my arm and pull me inside.

Bonnie let out a deep breath, holding the paper towards me. I groaned, louder than I meant to. I've read this newspaper a hundred times over, I didn't care to look at it again. "Sorry," I muttered when Bonnie's eyes met mine again. She probably didn't know about Damon and I's fight, nor did she know about my own problems, so I tried to hold back my feelings to avoid her asking about me. "What should I be seeing here?"

Bonnie pointed to one of the articles in the paper, "This is about Kai. He killed his siblings, and was sent here because of it." I glanced through the article to show Bonnie I was listening to what she was saying, even though I had every word of the paper memorized at this point. "I know we just found a way out, but I can't do it."

"How do you know it's him?" I held my breathe. I knew he couldn't be a perfect person but I hoped he was decent enough to befriend. I wanted to trust him, hear him out, to keep him on my side like he said he would be. "We can't just assume the worst just because he's here. We're here because Grams sent us here, to protect you, right? How do we know he wasn't sent here to be protected? The paper says that Malakai was missing. Maybe that is Kai, but he was sent here to be saved from whoever was killing the other kids." I threw out every idea I could think of, anything to keep Kai an ally, if not a friend.

Bonnie sighed, I think she could tell I didn't want Kai to be the Malakai from the paper. "Blair.. He admitted it. He told us how he killed each of them. I'm sorry, I could tell you wanted to trust him. But, I can't. And, I can't let him out now. Not knowing this."

I kept my eyes on the ground. Hating myself for being stupid enough to think I could trust Kai. Everyone I trusted always betrayed me in some way, I shouldn't be surprised. Klaus, Stefan, Damon, all leaving me for Elena. Elijah, for going back on his word in killing Klaus. Hell, even my own parents threw me in rehab with a fake name to keep their image cleaner.

Before I could give any opinion on having to be stuck here, with Kai, Damon sped in. "You can let him out, and you will, Bonnie." He must have been listening in; clearly not happy with the decision Bonnie made. I didn't blame her.

"I'm not letting Kai out of here, okay? He just said he's a serial killer." Bonnie's thought process made sense. Who knew what Kai would do if we was let back into the real world, if he was able to murder his own siblings.

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