Chapter 1

448 11 18

Juvia pov

I feel horrible

I just went through another rejection from my dear Gray-sama and I don't know how much more I can take it.

I am currently sitting at the bar as I am currently drinking another beer.

I man look like this but since my body can become water my alcohol tolerance is pretty high. I cant beat Cana or Bacchus the unbeatable drinking couple but I can still hold my own against them.

" What wrong Juvia," asked Mira as she is currently wiping down cups.

" I dont know how I can handle another rejection. I am thinking of just giving up an moving on from Gray-sama," I said as gulped down the rest of my drink.

" NO," Yelled mirror as she slammed down the cup

I looked at her shocked

" Juvia you cant I have been waiting for you to be with Gray so my ship can sail. I will help you get Gray," said Mira as she crossed her arms

" R-Really," I said looking at her

" Y-yes so get up and come with me," said Mira as she dragged me to a table currently occupied by Lucy, Levy, and Wendy.

Wendy and Romeo are currently dating and I am kinda depressed that her love life is better then mine.

Lisanna is with Bixlow and Kianna with Cobra.

They are all younger then me.

" Girls help me get Gray and Juvia together," said Mira as she stood me up

" I sensed ships happening I want to help," said Red as she appeared out of no where

Are lovely Cosmic mage Red is as crazy with ships as Mira and her sister.

" Of course we will help. Meet at my place in an hour we are going to stradegize," said Lucy as she smiled at me.

I blushed and twiddled my thumbs

I become quite shy when I drink

" Of course I will get Erza and Lisanna and tell them the plan. But I think the first order of business is to throw all of your Gray like things away. I think we might take the hard to get route," said Lucy

" Agreed," said Red she wrapped her arms around me

" Alright I told the girls what is up so Juvia I will go with you to get rid of you things," Red said as she dragged me towards the dorms

When we got there Red stopped by her room to pack an overnight bag.

Then we proceeded to my room.

When I opened the door red gasped

" Oh it not as bad as I though it was going to be," She mumbled

" Alright Juvia grab these trash bags enhanced with fire magic. Anything that goes in here and incinerates." She said as she handed me one and started to throw all my dolls in the bag

" Can I keep one," I asked grabbing one and hugging it

She looked at me with a straight face soon starting to crack

" You and your damn puppy eyes,' she grumbled as she nodded

I smiled and placed it down before throwing away all the dolls and such in the bag

Soon my room was Gray-sama free except the doll I kept

I then grabbed a box underneath my bed and took out my old decor before placing them up

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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