Bob looked at Soda, eyeing his DX uniform. "Y-You!" He glared, pointing a finger as he stumbled forward. "You f***** up my car!" He accused.

"Excuse me?" Soda growled a little, eyeing Bob suspiciously, sensing an upcoming fight.

"Looks fine to me, pal." Two-Bit huffed, glaring at Bob. "Now would you mind? My friend here says we're closed."

Bob glared at Two-Bit with a scowl, close to them now. "F*** you." He spat at him, his eyes going back to Soda, poking his chest.

"You dumba** Greaser! My car's totaled because of you! You're gonna pay for f****** up my car!" Bob was shouting.

Soda's eyes flickered a little, ignoring Bob's finger poking him. He remembered fixing up this Soc's car a few days ago; the engine was shot. But he fixed it up good.

There shouldn't have been any problems.

Soda remained cool and collected, eyeing Bob with narrow eyes. "Well gee, i'm sorry, mister." He spat. "Maybe I can have another look at it some other time. But we're closed now. Excuse us."

Soda huffed with a nod and started walking past Bob with Two-Bit but Bob was angry and he was also drunk.

He wasn't going to take no for an answer.

He roughly grabbed Soda's arm, yanking him back. "You f****** Greaser!" He shouted and punched Soda in the face.

Soda yelped, Bob's rings cutting his cheek, startling him, stumbling back, a hand quickly going to the fresh blood.

"Hey! Hey!" Two-Bit shouted and glared at Bob, giving him a rough shove, protecting his friend. "Lay off, prick!"

Bob snarled and glared, swinging at Two-Bit, who, already short enough, ducked, dodging the blow and Bob shoved him hard into the wall of the DX with a cuss.

"Hey!" Soda shouted from behind Bob, glaring, raising his fists. "You wanna fight, pal?!" He spat, hating this guy.

Two-Bit growled as Bob held onto his collar roughly, glaring. "Go Soda, go! I'll handle this douchebag!" He shouted, shoving at Bob who angrily shoved back and Two-Bit roughly pushed him off him. "Get the gang, they can chase this a****** off!"

Bob swung at Two-Bit again and Two ducked, his fists raised, eyes narrowed.

Soda, tense, glanced between them, not sure if he should leave Two-Bit with Bob. After all, there were two of 'em, they could take this guy.

But Bob was drunk and something told Soda he wasn't going to just hop into his car and leave.

The gang could scare him off no problem and no one would get hurt.

Soda watched as Two-Bit punched Bob hard, knocking him down to the ground, figuring Two-Bit could hold his own until the rest got there. "Okay Two-Bit, i'll get the gang! Don't go nowheres!" He shouted and took off running, heading toward his house.

Bob snarled and wiped at his face and got to his feet, glaring daggers at Two-Bit. "Okay, that's it. You asked for it now, Grease." Bob snarled and they circled each other, fists raised.

Two-Bit snarled, eyes narrowed, ducking as Bob threw another punch and he slammed his fist into Bob's stomach with a growl.

Bob grunted in anger and pain and swore, furious now. "D*** it, it's on now!"

"What is? Me continuing to kick your a**?!" Two-Bit huffed, managing a smirk, enjoying himself.

Bob glared and took his arms away from hugging his stomach in pain, chest heaving in anger. "You know I came here for a fight but I think it's time to take it to a new level, don't you, Grease?"

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