There's a comfortable silence.

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"Clarence Fayes, you get your ass off that bed and get ready. We are going shopping to find a perfect outfit for my date today", my best friend  Avery Parkar screamed storming in my bedroom.

Hold on! When did I come home? More importantly how the fuck did I get home? All I remember is passing out In the club. As I get out of my bed to hug the sulking drama queen who is going on and on about Chase Evans her date and then something about not having anything to wear when I know she has all the clothes in the world already.

"Not so loud Ave,please!", I say drinking a glass of beer. Yeah that's how I start my mornings usually. The best way to treat a hangover is to drink more alcohol. That's some kind of twisted logic I apply. Avery is standing right in front of me crossing her arms and tapping her feet. "Yeah yeah just give me 10 mins to get ready.Till then feel free to look into my closet if you find anything good you can have it".


With that I head towards my bathroom.Getting rid of my clothes which has this intoxicating smell of alcohol, I step into the tub filled with hot water. It's just so soothing. I close my eyes trying to relax and for a minute I forget everything.All the sadness. As soon as I open my eyes My head is filled with questions. How exactly did I end up in my bed? Did something happen with whoever brought me home? How will I get answers to my questions? I get out of the tub and wipe myself gently.

Walking over to my closet I turn the music on and pick the most comfortable shorts and a black crop top.I rush down to the breakfast table where Ave is waiting for me. I literally stuffthe pancakes in my mouth which btw are my favourite and ask Ave to tell the driver wherever she wants to go for shopping. She hasn't spoken much which is easily noticeable.

"Oh come on. You are seriously not going to talk to me?" She seems to be really mad at me and I can see the anger in her eyes. "Yes", she says angrily. "Don't do this.Please" I give her a puppy dog face which every single person on this planet will fall for. She finally breaks the silence when she looks at me making that face and I giggle to myself though I know what's going to come out of her mouth, it's like I can almost predict what she is going to say.

The same old Avery speech. "When will your non stop partying end? It's senior year! You have to get your grades up and apply to colleges. I know that Novella Fayes and Charles Fayes can pay to any of the college you want to get into but do you really want that?" Well she is right I don't want my parents to pay or in their language 'donate to the Trust foundation' for me to get in. The ride to the mall is quite. Both of us don't speak anything. I know she cares about me and she knows that I know. There's a comfortable silence.


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