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"I'm back."
I was sitting in the park on my phone when I heard it. I spun my head around, making my hat fly, I ran to grab it, but the wind kept blowing it away.
"Don't ignore me Jiwoo." I shivered the voice had left me alone for a while, but she was back. "Go get your hat, you wouldn't want Jisu to know you lost it. The hat she gave you." I was nervous, wondering where the hat was gonna end up, but I followed anyway. When it reached the tree line, the wind stopped and it settled to the ground. Technically the tree line was off limits to park visitors, but I had an excuse. The moment I stepped onto the dirt of the forest, the floor fell out from beneath me. I looked up and saw the whole park falling in with me. Then it all disappeared and my head hit hard cold concrete. I sat up rubbing my head and taking in my surroundings. I awake in a factory, on the metal shelves, there was.... toys. Decks of cards, croquet sets- the hammers looked like flamingos- and many other odd assortments of games.
"You need to get out of there before they find you."
"Before who finds me?"
"The mad one and the cat."

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