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       "Can you guys shut up!" They stop immediately. "What is going on." They both start talking again. I put my fingers to each of there lips and they freeze. The cat guy disappears out of nowhere. I jump back at that. SnapBack guy laughs and pushes my hand away.
       "He does that a lot. Get used to it."
       "Ok, whatever. But who are you guys?"
       "Oh, I'm Taehyung. I'm known by most as the hatter. His name is Matthew. He can disappear and often appears out of nowhere." At this I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and scream.
       "Shhh. We don't want her knowing you're here."
       "Before who finds me?"
       "The queen."
       "Yeah, she rules this horrid place."

an- so I know I promised a longer chapter but, I'm lazy and I can't think of any ideas so maybe next time lol love you guys

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