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"Ok, well what is this place."
"Wonderland." He says spreading his arms apart sarcastically.
"Well I'd like to see this wonderland."
"Right through this wall here." He says , walking through a wall. I wonder why my voice didn't take me through that wall. I walk through the wall and Matthew comes through behind me. I look around. It looks like the filter they put on horror movies has been placed over this colorful land. We are in the middle of a dark valley. The ground is dirt and there is smoke everywhere, I start coughing. Taehyung pats my back.
"It's always like this here, ever since the red queen took over and demanded the toy factories be built."
"Yeah, we used to be friends with her. But then she changed. It was like she had turned into another person." Matthew says.
"What do you think ticked her off?"
"We've never figured out, trust me we've tried, but no one can get close to her anymore."
"She's cut herself off from all of us." Taehyung comments.
"I know the feeling."
"Yeah, my girlfriend Jisu, she's great most of the time, but then she cuts me off sometimes and I can't get to her. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do about it."
"Well I'm sure you can do just about anything." Taehyung says scratching his head.
"What makes you think that?"
"Everyone has been saying the next person to come here will save us." I laugh. They both look at me seriously.
"Wait, you're serious?"
"I just wanna get back home. I'd never be able to save this mess."
"So you just want us to tell everybody that?"
"Ummmm, yeah?" They both look appalled at me. "I didn't even wanna come here. This place looks gross and disgusting, I'd like to get out of here. You guys can deal with your own problems."

an- sorry I uploaded so late, I hope you guys like this chapter the story is starting to come together in my mind so this should get good soon

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