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"Harry!" I yelled running after him. Yes Harry Styles. "Come get me!" He yelled back running away. I got close to him and jumped, knocking him down. I was now on top of Harry. "Ugh." He said as he hit the ground. "Give me my cupcake!" I said laughing. "Okay, cupcake." He said winking at me. Harry was a real ladies man, let me tell you that. I slowly got off him and took my cupcake. I shoved it all in my mouth, swallowed it and then smiled at him. "Your such a fatty Sydney." Harry said brushing himself off.

Okay so let me clear all this up. I am Sydney Rothesay and I live in Cheshire. I have known Harry Styles my whole life. We were buddies since I was born. Our parents are best friends. Harry isnt like major popular but he sure can get girls! Me on the other hand am not popular at all. I am considered a major loser due to how antisocial I am.

Me and Harry walked into his room. I sat on his bed and reached under his bed and pulled out his secret stash of junk. I pulled out a can of Pepsi. "Hey, did I say you could take my stuff missy?" He said snatching the can and taking a sip. I smiled. "So, you ready for the math test tomorrow?" I asked. "Nope, not one bit! You want to stay over and help me cram all night?" He asked. "Yeah sure. Let's go get my stuff." I said getting up and pulling Harry out the door with me. "Hey, ma? Can I stay over tonight?" I asked Anne. "Of corse sweetie." She said as me and Harry walked outside. It was pouring. "My beautiful curls!" Harry said touching his droppy curls. "Oh poor Tarzan." I said patting his back. Then I stopped and looked at him and put on my puppy dog face. "What?" He said giving me a questioning look. "Can I please have a piggy back?" "Your house is only five houses away!" I kept giving him the puppy dog look. "Fine" He sighed, finally giving in. I hopped on his back and smiled. "Thank you haz." He ran as fast as he could and when he got onto my front lawn and tripped over the curb. "Ah!" I yelled as he fell on top of me. He laughed and got off me. He lent me his hand and pulled me up. I held his hand and we ran into the house. "Mom, me and harry are home!" My mom came around the corner and smiled. "Hey guys." She said. "Syd is staying at my house tonight to help me study for my math test tomorrow." "Just studying? You better go to bed my twelve!" My mom said strictly. I rolled my eyes but Harry, being the guy he is nodded and flashed his amazing smiled.

Yeah you guessed it, I, Sydney Rothesay, have a crush on my bestfriend, Harry Styles.

Harry ran upstairs before I could and hopped on my bed. "Home sweet home." Harry said spreading out across my bed. I laughed and grabbed my school stuff. I grabbed an adidas bag and threw some clothing in there. "Okay im ready, lets go." I said. Harry got up and slid down the stairs on his butt. Then he stood up and looked at me."Ow." He said. I ran down the stairs "What wrong?" I asked worried. "Rug burn! Can you kiss it better?" Harry asked giving me the puppy dog face. "I am not kissing your bum!" I said laughing. "Awe." He said. "Lets go curly." I said tugging him out the door. I started walking towards harrys house when I stopped and noticed that Harry wasnt coming with me. "What are you doing?" I asked laughing. "I got to go to the bakery for a minute, cmon." He said pushing me towards the bakery. I loved going there. Harry always snuck me a cookie or two. After the bakery we walked back to Harrys. I put my bag upstairs and went to the washroom. When I came back, I found Harry going through my bag. "What are you doing?" I asked. He looked up and smiled. He pulled out my bra and did up the clasp. "Oh look at me, in my pink bra!" I ran up to him and jumped on him. He grabbed my side and I laughed. Harry knew all of my ticklish spots, and boy did he ever take advantage of them. We both started laughing.

It was only 6:30 when his phone rang. We were sitting on his couch watching a movie. "Harry, its Haydn" Anne called. Harry got up and came back five minutes later. "So, plans changed. I have a band practice." He said sitting down beside me. I frowned "Okay, lets go." "Thanks babe." He said laughing. Anne dropped us off at Haydn's house. "Oh." Haydn said when he saw me. We didnt get along too well. Well, it was more that he didnt like me. I think it was because Harry was always with me. "Yeah." Harry said smiling as he put his arm around me. I smiled. We walked into the garage and I sat on the couch. "Hey, we are White Eskimo!" Harry said into the microphone, then started singing. He has such an amazing voice. My heart melted. I just sat on the couch and smiled.

You Only Want Me When Im Taken : Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now