Chapter 8

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"I am sick and tired of cleaning up your mess, Potter. Changing your nappy is the last straw."

Harry gurned and fidgeted on the kitchen counter. Snape snarled has he struggled to keep a firm grip on the squirming infant, this really was above his remit.

"I'll do it you grumpy old git," said Tonks, stepping in front of him. "Go make me a cup of tea, that's a fair trade, yeah?"

Snape fled for the kettle before Tonks could change her mind. It was Christmas morning and all the Weasleys had descended on Grimmauld Place to spend the day with Harry. Snape had hoped to squeeze in Harry's daily check-up before making his excuses and leaving, intending to spend the remainder of the day with Tonks. But she had insisted that they at least stay for breakfast. Snape had grudgingly agreed, but the morning had largely been taken up with opening the large mountain of presents under the Christmas tree.

Harry had received a sizeable stack of baby toys and clothes. He also got a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard from Hermione, a stuffed owl from Ron, a pair of odd socks from Dobby, and a baby-sized jumper with a large 'H' stitched on the front from Mrs Weasley. To no-one's surprise, his favourite gift by far was the toy broomstick Sirius and Remus had bought for him, and he had spent the morning zooming around the living room laughing and squealing with delight. Tonks bought Harry an entire wardrobe's worth of baby clothes. When Snape had drawn her an incredulous look at the size of her gift she had smiled sheepishly and admitted that she may have gone a bit overboard.

When Snape and Tonks returned to the cramped living room with breakfast and baby in tow, Fred cleared his throat and rose to his feet. "We have a gift for Harry, too."

George pulled a glass vial from his pocket and showed it to Sirius.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's the antidote for the anti-aging potion," Fred beamed.

"Been working on it day and night since we got back to Hogwarts," said George.

"Tested it on plants first," explained Fred.

"Then small animals," George interjected.

"Then finally on each other," Fred glanced at his brother and smirked.

"We finally perfected it on the last day of term," declared George.

"I think this alone should guarantee us an Outstanding in our N.E.W.T.S., eh, Professor?" asked Fred, winking at Snape.

The Potions Master gawked at them, his face flushing red with fury, but before he could retort, Mrs Weasley had slapped both of the twins on the back of their heads.

"Ow!" George cried. "What was that for?"

"You mean to say that you've had the antidote in your pocket for over a week and you're only now telling us?" she cried indignantly. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

George blinked. "We thought it would make for a nice Christmas present for Harry."

"And we thought announcing it on Christmas day added an extra dramatic flair to the proceedings," smirked Fred. Mrs Weasley drew him a sharp look and he immediately dropped his smile.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" cried Sirius, scooping Harry out of Tonks's arms. "Let's change him back!"

George hurried forward and uncorked the vial. "Three drops should do it."

George placed three droplets of the potion into Harry's mouth and he screwed his face up at the unpleasant taste.

They waited.

Three Grumpy Gits and a BabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon