Chapter 3

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"Harry's not had the best time of it lately, has he?" sighed Hermione sadly.

"Bit of an understatement, don't you think?" Ron muttered.

Ron and Hermione had hoped that come September first, Professor Snape would have figured out how to reverse Harry's condition. But on the morning they were to depart for their fifth term at Hogwarts, Harry's condition had not changed. While everyone else rushed to gather their things before leaving for King's Cross Station, they knelt before the infantile Harry as he kicked happily in his bouncy chair in the living room.

"It's not going to be the same without him there," said Ron quietly.

Hermione gave his hand a light squeeze. "I know, but...maybe this is a good thing."

Ron drew her an incredulous look. "How the hell can this be a good thing?"

"Well, he's had such a rough time of it lately, what with the Dementor attack, the Hearing at the Ministry, and the Prophet making up lies about him all summer."

Ron nodded solemnly. "The nightmares, too... they were getting worse. And what happened to Cedric..."

Hermione and Ron looked sadly at the bouncing baby.

"He looks so happy," Ron noted. "Happier than he has been in a long time."

"Maybe the old saying is true," she mused. "Ignorance really is bliss. You know, a part of me is glad that he can't remember anything. Not about us, obviously. Just all the bad stuff. I like that he can sleep peacefully for once in his life."

"It's not real, though, is it?" Ron pointed out. "He might not remember all the bad stuff, but it still happened. The danger still remains."

"I know," she sighed. "But I'm not going to begrudge Harry for being able to take a break from it all, even if it's just for a little while."

"Yeah, it's not like Harry's going to stay like this forever," said Ron hopefully. "Snape will fix him soon enough."

"Of course, he will," replied Hermione uncertainly.

A squeal and a loud clatter drew their attention away from Harry and they turned to see Tonks tripping over a table leg as she entered the room. She stumbled onto her knees and dropped two large paper bags in her hands, the contents spilling all over the floor. They rushed forward to help her back to her feet and she smiled sheepishly at them.

"Cheers. Someone better shift that table out of the way, it's a bloody health hazard!"

Hermione helped Tonks gather up the spilled contents from the floor and paused as she picked up a baby grow with a lion stitched on the front.

"Oh Tonks, this is adorable!" she cried.

Tonks beamed. "I know, right? I saw it when I was out getting some supplies for Harry on Diagon Alley and I couldn't resist. Check this out."

She held up a pair of dungarees embroidered with tiny snitches fluttering their wings. Hermione crooned, "Aww, he's going to look so cute!"

Ron groaned and turned to joke with Harry about the broody women but paused as he remembered with a jolt of annoyance that his best mate was now a baby.

"Are you two quite done playing happy families?" came a sharp voice.

Snape lingered by the doorway watching them. Hermione's cheeks turned pink and she quickly stuffed the last of the clothes back into the bags. Ron glowered at the Potions Master but knew better than to say anything. They might not be back at Hogwarts yet, but Snape wouldn't hesitate to give Ron detention anyway. Tonks, however, smirked and rose to her feet.

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