Chapter 10| Uncontrolled traveling and Long-lost Family Part 1

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Athalia's. P.O.V.

| 2017 time unknown |

I couldn't believe what just happened, I refused to believe what just happened. This had to be all a dream. I thought I could trust Caleb,but he is just another backstabbing traitor.

I felt the familiar pull of time travel even though I didn't issue it or touch anything. It felt think I was being yanked like a rag doll, until finally I found myself somewhere other than my cell. It wasn't like any of my previous travels it was more like going into the memories of someone in the past. It was like I was there, but I wasn't almost like in Harry Potter, when Harry put his head into the bowl in Professor Dumbledore's office and he can see what had happened in the past. (Leah please correct it if I was wrong cause, I kinda forgot the scene for Harry Potter.)

I watched as my very pregnant mother held her stomach. A tiny boy who looked about 3 ran into my mother's legs. As I looked closer into his silver eyes I realized he looked a lot like Caleb. Wait... it was Caleb. Why was Caleb hugging my mom? I felt myself get pulled some more and Imheard a scream.

"MOM!" It cried. My mom came running to his room and I say 3 year old Caleb disappear with that Leonardo guy. I gasped, as I was pulled back into the cell.

I couldn't believe it Caleb was my older freaking brother and he was taken from my mom when he was 3 by the SST. I didn't even know what to think about that. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair only to give up when it wouldn't pass through. I mean he could have been brainwashed or something and that would explain why he used me, but right now I needed to get out of here. I must find this knife of time and destroy this prototype where ever it is. I paced around the cell nervously and then went to the door to fumble with the lock. It was a huge, medieval looking stone lock and the measly bobby pen in my hair couldn't do anything. I slumped on the floor in defeat.

When Time Runs OutDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora