Chapter 6 | Some Burgers and Battles Part 1

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Athalia's. P.O.V.

| 2017  3:15 pm |

We reappear in 2017 and I see Kass, and Elliot sitting on the bed.

"Hey we got the book." Elliot says handing me the photo Album.

"Thanks, we got some information, too." I explain sitting on the floor next to Caleb.

"Yeah it turns out Leah's dad is in 1692, and according to this book he is in December 4,1692 in the Shadow Fall church. Apparently there were some hidden tunnels underneath." he read.

"Where did u get the journal?" Kassie asked

"Athalia's mom gave it to a woman named Amelia Harper." He answered closing the journal.

I look through the scrap book and found nothing. I ran a hand through my curly hair and through the scrapbook to the side.

"Well we have all the information why don't we just go get your dad."Elliot asked.

"As much as I would love to, we have no plan. We can't defend ourselves and it would be a suicide mission. We would be dead before we even rescued my dad." I counter standing up.

"Then we should practice. Maybe you could figure out how you could use the prototype to your advantage." Caleb suggested

"Ok. Let's go to the backyard for more space." I added as Caleb stands up. Kass and Elliot nods and we all follow Elliot down stairs and to his backyard.

Elliot's backyard was huge and was perfect because no oneworld get hurt. Or at least shouldn't.

"First let's see how good you are at just combat in general." I smiled and Kassie smirked. Now I know what your thinking. Why is this girl smiling because she almost got killed by an old lady in a library. WellI will have you know that I've actually done kickboxing and my grandfather made learn how to fight. And I would say I'm better than a beginner but someone. That woman totally cut me off guard like seriously I would've been able to take her if she didn't produce a knife out of thin air like seriously where could she have hidden that.

I got into a fighting position. I smirked as we circled around at each other. I waited for him to make the first move. Soon he threw a punch to my left which I immediately dodged. He left his left side of his body open so I threw a punch to his side successfully catching him off guard. I took this distraction to kick him in the stomach resulting in him stumbling back. He quickly recovered and tried and threw another punch. I ducked under his arm grabbed his arm and kicked him in the back of his knee while twisting his arm back.

"Ow.Ow.Ow!" He cried before I let go.

"I won!" I jumped up in down.

"I was going easy on you." He tried explaining.

"Don't burst my bubble" I sassed him.Caleb just rolled his eyes. I watched as Elliot snickered and Kassie jumped up cheering.

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