Chapter 2 | Vague Warnings and Clues Part 1

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A/N Hey Guys, it's wendsday and you know what that means. Here is a doce of joy for your lives. Just so you all know I had to split the chapters because it is so long so this is Part 1. Love y'all! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share ;)

Athalia's. P.O.V.

|2017 6:15 pm|

I stared at my grandfather begging for answers.

"You can time travel. It is a gene passed down from your grandmother's side of the family. It comes on your 16th birthday. I did not know if you would inherit the gene yet." He explained. I stood there with my jaw unhinged and on the ground.
I was speechless. I could freaking travel through time. I sat down on the chair and stuffed some pizza in my mouth not knowing what to do.

"Wow that is awesome Liah and freaky." Kassie comments as she ate some more of her pizza.
I did not know what to think about it. I mean of course the thought of being to go to any time in history was mind blowing and awesome especially for a crazy history nerd like myself. But I can't even begin to fathom the full extent of my abilities.

"Yeah I think it's really cool but it's just a lot to take in." I smiled although it probably didn't reach my eyes. They nodded understandingly.

"Well your mother told me if you ever get the ability to send you to the year 1875 because she left you a note on something about time traveling I wouldn't be able to explain." He added.

"My mom could time travel too?" I asked. He only nodded solemnly and I decided not to press it. Imagine your only daughter disappearing and never seeing her again.

"Ok the mood is dropping ever so slowly. Can we kill the sad switch and cheer up. Its Athalia's birthday it's supposed to be fun let's watch this movie." She ranted holding up Trolls.

"Im dead..., that has to be the most happiest movie in the world. And you're right let's go. " I said getting up and grabbing a bowl of cheddar pretzels and some popcorn. Grandpa chuckled and grabbed some nuts and candy. Kassie followed with some more pizza.

|7:25 pm|

"I GOT THIS FEELING INSIDE MY BONES!" I sing to the top of my lungs dancing around the living room.
"IT GOES ELECTRIC WAVY WHEN I TURN IT ON" Kassie joins in jumping around. As we belt out the lyrics to can't stop the feeling along with the movie. Grandpa had fell asleep until our performance and he jumped up. He retired himself to bed while we continued our concert till the end of the song.

After the movie my mind drifted back to the whole time traveling business.
"So what about his time travel stuff. Are you gonna try it I know you're thinking about it." Kassie questioned reading my mind.
"I need to know how to even control it. I can't just disappear whenever I touch something." I explained.
"I have an Idea. First put the prototype on. It's still a watch and we can use it for now to keep track of time." Kassie explained and I nodded as I went over to the table and I clasped it around my neck
" Ok stand here and think about... what was that time your mom has something?" she says forgetting. Typical.
"1875." I informed her.
"Right, think about that." She brushed it off.
"And if this works how do I get back." I inquired.
"Think about 2017 and whatever time is on the watch." She said moving away from me.
I nodded and closed my eyes.

1875...1875....1875. I repeated like a mantra until I felt the familiar sensation pull me through time. I opened my eyes and found my mom sitting on the couch as if she was expecting me. I know she wasn't born in 1875 so she must have traveled here for this conversation.

|1875 7:30pm|
"Hi sweetie." She said standing up. I just stared unsure what to do.
"You have grown so much." She explained tears blurring her eyes. I stepped in and gave her a hug wrapping my arms around her. When we finally pulled away she began to speak.
"I don't have much time and I don't know when I will see you again so take this, it should tell you what you need to know for now." I nodded grabbed the envelope and stood back as she began to fade away before my eyes. Tears welled in my eyes at the thought that I might not see her again, I fell to my knees. Tears rolled down my face as I checked the time. 7:36

2017, 7:36... 2017, 7:36... 2017, 7:36 I repeated over in my head until I felt myself being pulled back.

"Oh my god Athalia what happened?" She asked bending down to my level.
"I saw my mom and she disappeared right in front of my eyes and I am probably never gonna see her ever again but I didn't say anything." I balled into her shoulder as she rubbed my back soothingly.
"Don't think like that we are going to find your parents kay. Let's get you to bed" she said helping me up to my room. I nodded and sniffled like a toddler and she gave me a hug before she left and told me She would see me tomorrow. I placed the envelope on my nightstand too tired to look at it right now. I plopped on my bed listening to the pouring rain hit my roof and window until I eventually was lulled into darkness.

Don't forget to vote, share, and feel free to comment, I would love to know what you think. Thanks for reading:)

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