Chapter 13- Plans

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(( I switch tenses in this chapter, just a warning ))

Kitanna Siri Kirai.

Otherwise known as the sadistic little psychopath.

My kidnapper is no ordinary person.

I don't have a clue what's going on.

But I know that I can hear voices. None of them sound familiar.

I won't worry about that now.

I just want to know what she's doing here. And why she didn't take out Jin and Yuma when she had the chance. If she's ready to kill, she's going to kill. And kill everyone.

This wasn't just a killing though. She actually went to the trouble to poison me.

She knew that I was a good match for her, yes. But that was the exact reason I knew that she had a purpose. She wouldn't have come against me if she just wanted to entertain herself. This town is full of puny, helpless Meedens. If she wanted to kill for fun, she would've went after them.

She's targeting me specifically.


The young girl stared at the lifeless body, blood pooling all around it. The razor sharp blade in her hand was held loosely in a way that displayed how accustomed she was to it. She had the slightest, psychotic smile playing on her lips

She brushed a stand of red hair from her face and stared at the muscular man lying dead on the ground with an unreadable gaze.

" I like your pain. I find it entertaining. " She said calmly, running a finger along her razor sharp blade.

She heard a sound from behind her and turned around calmly, looking at the man with golden blonde who was gawking and gesturing to her, then to the dead body.

" What did you do?! " He exclaimed, still looking from her to the body repeatedly.

" I enjoy his pain. " She said calmly, wiping the blood from the knife

" You can't just kill people for no reason! " He exclaimed.

" I had a reason. He wouldn't let me play. " She said simply, drawing attention to the fact that she looked only to be about 6 years old.

" You don't kill people because of such trivial matters! " He sputtered in disbelief.

She blinked slowly, her emerald green eyes reflecting confusion. She seemed not to understand his reasoning.

" It doesn't affect me. I don't care about his unimportant existence. " She said, looking up and the blonde haired man with her calm gaze.

" Everyone's life is important Rai. " He sighed, shaking his head. " How did you even end up like this? " He muttered, rubbing his temples.

" His life is unimportant to me. " She said calmly, putting the sword next to his dead body that was ripped to shreds by the blade. She seemed to want to make him suffer as much as possible and make his death as slow and painful as she could.

" I don't know what to do with you... " He muttered, watching her walk away with complete calm. " Let's just hope you don't get out of hand. " He sighed. " I'm getting tired of cleaning up your dead bodies. "

* *

" Yeah. I disposed of our dear little Lulu. " She said with a slight smirk as she brushed a strand of hair from her eyes.

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