Chapter 15- Well, That's Suspicious

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"Jin San! Mika Chan!" A familiar girl's voice yelled from behind the two. They were walking down the road from Border, and Chika flagged them down quickly, Yuma not far behind her.

She was assuming it was actually Luna. It was really difficult to tell recently. The girl was forced to hide her injuries, dressed in long black jeans and black hoodie with a white cat on the front. Courtesy of Chika. She even had a pair of brand new black sneakers with white laces that Shiori had supplied, and her wild, silver streaked hair was mostly hidden by the hood. Her right arm rested in a sling, and she had a slightly unbalanced, limping walk, but otherwise she looked like a strangely normal teenager.

When her "name" was called, Luna immediately took a step to the side so she was further away from Jin, and glanced behind her. She had definitely been talking to him, but she immediately stopped, subtly pretending she hadn't been. Chika ran and caught up, giving them both a beaming smile.

"Feeling better, Ki- Mika Chan?" Asked Yuma immediately.

Neither of them had really seen her around for the last week. All they knew is that she was going to and from Border in Rindo's car every couple days, and she always came back looking more irritated and in pain than when she left. They weren't allowed to use her name freely anymore. She had not explained anything to Tamakoma's other members, and got very snappy when they pried. However it was very noticeable that she had been less bluntly aggressive to Jin in the few exchanges they openly had. In fact, she had been strangely quiet.

Luna shrugged slightly, falling behind a bit so she was no longer beside Jin, instead closer to Chika. She shifted her arm in the sling and blew an agitated huff.

"It only has to stay on for a couple days." Said Jin dismissively, smirking as she glared at him with those quick, firey red eyes. He didn't miss her slight jump as a car sped by suddenly. The unfamiliar sounds in public seemed to spook her a lot more since- well. You know.

They weren't able to trace her kidnapper. She wasn't filed under any records, though it wasn't to anyone's surprise. The incident was reported to Border, but Luna refused to disclose the name of her home planet or of her kidnapper. They only had appearance to go off of.

Border was not at all pleased about this decision, as they had also made the link that her kidnapper was very possibly the cause of the recent chain of murders that had only lasted for maybe a day or two. But what could they do? They provided her medical care so the incident could be kept completely under wraps, which neither party was pleased about either. In fact, the tension between the humanoid and the Executives seemed to grow more and more tense.

"Where's Tsuki?" Yuma tried again to initiate conversation.

Luna only shrugged again, which triggered his side effect.

"You're lying =3=."

Luna rolled her eyes slightly.

"I can't bring her out, she'd 'stick out like a sore thumb' so she's at Tamakoma." She said bitterly, kicking a rock with unwarranted aggression. "I don't know if I still have a target on my back and I have to blend in until I know she's gone."

I bet she's miserable hiding like this too.


There was an excited barking from the huge, empty field as the wolf tore around the training scape. Reiji tossed the ball into the air, catching it rhythmically before flinging it. It cut through the air like a bullet, as expected from the strong agent.

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