Chapter 6 The Past

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He frowned as he tinkered with the item . His midnight hair fell into his face but he didn't even notice . His brow furrowed in concentration as he worked . No matter how he tried he couldn't get it quite right .

He opened a vial with glowing , green tinted liquid in it and poured it into his palm . He molded it like clay carefully as he formed it into a shape .

A small , furious red haired boy walked inside , dragging a girl with midnight hair behind him .

" Let me go ! It wasn't my fault ! " She said but his grip was surprisingly firm

" Look at what she did ! " He said as he held up a bulky white watch . It had a crack across it and it sparked with electricity.

" I told you it wasn't me ! " She hissed as she pulled her wrist from his strong grip .

The boy sighed and placed the semi solid item onto the desk .

" What did you two get into now . " He sighed.

" She broke my trigger ! " Shouted the small boy

" I did not ! " She growled angrily

" Whoa whoa . No need to kill each other. " He said calmly " What happened in the first place? "

" she asked me if she could see my trigger and I let her see it and she put it on and it went all sparky sparky and now it's broken ! " Yelled the small boy ,all in one breath and jumbling his words

" Maybe you might want to talk in Japanese . " Said the older boy  with another sigh . These children were starting to get on his nerves .

Although he already could tell what had happened . This could get bad very quickly .

End Of Flashback

" Jin San ? What's the matter ? " Asked Osamu . They were in the middle of eating and Jin just suddenly stopped still , looking like he had seen a ghost .

" Nothing , nothing . " He said . But it didn't even take Kuga to tell he was lying .

Konami stopped chewing to look up at him .

" So what's our little trouble maker done -or really about to do- now ? " Asked Reiji .

" It's not what she's done . It's what someone else did to her . And I saw the future too late too stop it . "

The last sentence was said in a frustrated voice

Konami stood by him , hugging his neck and leaving her face at level with his.

" It's not your fault . It's whoever did whatever you're talking about . " She said with a scowl .

He sighed and stood as Konami released her grip .

" Just a warning . Don't go in Luna's room . My side effect told me so . " He said before placing his hands in his pocket and walking outside .

" Now I just want to go in her room . " Said Yuma with a duck face .

" Kuga ! That sounds very suspicious! " Exclaimed Osamu .

" So is Konami being nice , but you don't see me complaining . " Said Karasuma blankly

Konami crossed her arms with a scowl at Karasuma .

Yuma looked at then both .

" I still want to go in her room =3= "

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