Chapter 3 Tamakoma - Are all Border Agents bad?

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" No way , no how . Never in a million years . You may have convinced me to come with you but this is NEVER going to happen . " growled Luna to Jin as her eyes flashed silver again

" Aww c'mon Kimi Chan Please . " Pleaded Jin

In less than a second she was in front of him , holding the startled Jins neck . Even his side effect hasn't predicted that move . Actually since Luna had been around his side effect had been practically malfunctioning . He couldn't see her future clearly anymore . did that mean she was going to die ? No . If it did he would be able to see how . Odd though , in all 9 years of possessing this side effect this had never happened ...

" I swear you call me by another nickname and you WILL never see the light of day again . Clear ?! " She growled darkly . Unfortunately Jin could see how THAT future would go down . She was obviously not planning to hand out empty threats .

" Crystal . " He muttered and Osamu sweat dropped .

Jin . The future seeing power elite . Jin. Was afraid of a child maybe 10 years old ?! Jin .

He couldn't wrap his mind around this.

Chika was rather afraid of the quick tempered girl . So far she had shown neither like or dislike for Chika . She obviously liked Replica , hated Jin , disliked Osamu for some reason and had yet to go in the general vicinity of Yuma . She did not seem to want to make either friends or enemies with the humanoid . She had not yet talked to Osamu but showed no signs whatsoever of actually wanting to . She seemed to dislike him already without anything more than a glance at his border uniform .

She dropped Jin and the boy dusted himself off with a duck face . He and Yuma were quite similar .

" don't be a demon . " He muttered

" What was that ? " She snapped , wheeling around .

" Nothing , Nothing . " He said casually as he whipped out a bag of fried rice crackers .

" So will you come ? " Asked Jin

" No . " She said blankly .

"Replica'll be there.. "

" Fine . " She spat as the trion soldier appeared and she hugged it instantly

They started to walk as the strange girl who had yet to be named tailed behind although going closer to the slightly behind Chika than anyone else . She walked right next to the cat who balanced skillfully on a small wall . The cat was oddly patterned and coloured and everyone agreed she must have spray painted it .

Jin was extremely suspicious as to how the Arctic Wolf just vanished but pushed it out of his mind . He couldnt expect her to go romping around with a big ol' arctic wolf and expect to look normal now could he .

As Jin and Osamu conversed with Yuma, Luna seemed to have taken a mild interest in Chika .

" How old are you ? " She asked quietly , her voice neither rough nor gentle and no emotions lay in it . Her gorgeous red orange eyes were equally unreadable .

" H-Huh ? " Stammered a surprised and nervous Chika . This was the first time the girl had spoken to anyone but Jin and Replica .

" How old are you ? " She repeated

" t-thirteen . " She stammered

" When do you turn 14 ? " She asked , her expression still completely unreadable .

World Trigger Fanfic - 🌟Moon 🌙 Princess🌟Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora