Chapter 9

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I stared that £41 in my hand and Ashton's cocky grin flashed in my mind. What did Ashton thinking while throwing these alms to me? What he thinks I am? I don't need money especially coming from him. I can work hard and earn but the money, which I had been holding in my hand ever since I came to my room, I refuse to accept and I definitely will return them back.

Keeping those exact same notes, which belonged to Ashton, in my bag, I went to sleep but all the while, I kept thinking how am I going to return this money back to him. I woke up early and left to University even though my first class was free. I thought I could seek some help from Emily or Jessica as they are Ashton's friend but turned out they had a class. Since I got my library card done, I walked to the library. The library was big with all kinds of book. I can easily say that is twice the size of any shopping mall, I had been in Delhi. I found an isolated corner and taking my books out I began studying but my mind couldn't just work. Till the time Ashton's money is my bag, I can't function well. Thankfully, the time went by quickly and I went up to my class.

And I was so out of luck today that I had a class with neither Emily or Jessica. It was Advanced Statics, which meant it was the class with Ashton, Noah and Tyler. I took a deep breath and enter my class and as usual, since no one was here, I hunted for the corner most seat and occupied it. No sooner, the class started filling up and I saw three of them entering the class. Ashton looked fine, in a good mood and maybe if I'll hand him the money he'll take it but it's Ashton White we are talking about and he may snap at me for no reason.

They sat on the last seat and just the exact moment Mr William came and the class began. The entire time, I mentally repeated the script I had prepared on 'how to approach Ashton White', so what happened in that lecture is not something I am aware of aside from just taking down the notes mindlessly.

The bell rang and everyone started gathering up. I looked behind to where the three of them were sitting. Tyler was busy scribbling the notes while Noah and Ashton were engrossed in their phone. And then an idea popped my mind. I had helped Tyler once, maybe he'll help me too. I can give him the money and he can give it back to Ashton. I know I was being a coward but I really didn't have enough confidence left in me after the other day Ashton just blatantly insulted me. Once I saw the guys picking up their bags and leaving, I got up and followed them outside.

"Ashton." I called, ditching my previous plan. He spun around and looked at me.

"Yes." He for the very first time said something politely and I walked towards him while his friends stood beside him.

"Hi Kavivya." Tyler said seeking my attention.

"Hi." Noah smiled at me.

"Hi to both of you." I smiled at them.

"I want those notes. Okay? Your notes are self-explanatory and perfect." Tyler demanded.

"Ofcourse." I smiled.

"Ashton...Umm...I wanted to talk to you about something." I told him nervously and he kept looking at me to continue. A hint of irritation begins to replace his neutral expressions and my anxiousness skyrocketed.

"I'll see you later Ash." Noah said and then he leaned forward to whisper something in his ear and Ashton's facial expression changed from polite to annoyed. Tyler gave me a smile and once they left, I extended my arm.

"I want to return you this."

"What is this?" He asked in irritated voice with a frown.

"You gave me this as a tip but I don't need it." I said quickly. He stared at my hand and then at me.

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