Chapter 1

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Just a quick reminder I'm not following the anime lines like; meet Rias and fight the exorcist some kind of like that, I'll make my own storyline but with some added from the anime line as well, if you know what I mean then good luck.

(Y/n) = Your Name

Of course, you know it.


Third POV

There's a blonde boy right in front of the school gate, he smirked and went into the school ground as the other student looked at him in awe and jealous.

'This school uniform is better than I expected.' he thought as he fixing his blazer.

The girls looked at him with hearts on their eyes meanwhile with the boys hate on their eyes.

his name was, (Y/n). a normal student who studies at Kuoh Academy living in this world called, Japan. He hides his true power and identity making him a normal human, a "normal" human being, actually not a hundred percent human.

when he walked to the office room a feminine figure then come towards him.

"Are you... a new student?" a feminine figure with white hair asked.

he glanced at his left and nodded at the girl.

"Well, nice to meet you. My name is Sona Shiratori, I'm the Student Council President." Sona offering her hand.

he stunned a bit how soft Sona's hand but then immediately return the handshake.

"Let me show you around the school ground and others." She smiled and he followed her.


(Y/n) then go to his class after a long walk and talking with Sona, he felt irritated because she asked him over and over again, but then he needs to stay calm to disguise his true identity as possible.

he knows that this Student Council President is one of the Devil that lives in this school, but he then shook his head while thinking.

'Why in the hell Devils in this school? You know it right? Hell and Devils?' he thought.

"Students, we will have a new student." the Teacher said, "Come in, Mr. Gil." she continued.

Then he opens the door and stood in front of the classroom and bowed.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Gil. That's it no likes nor dislikes whatsoever except you, mongrels," he said while crossing his arms at the students in front of him.

Then silent occurred for a brief second even the teacher sweatdropped.

"Ahaha... I see.." the Teacher said chuckled nervously.

The girls start screaming while the boys sigh heavily.

"Is he a noble?"

"No, he is a model!"

"no way. He's more handsome than Kiba!"

"Is that even a word!?"

He sighs and then he saw the Trio talking with each other with lewd faces on them, which is a bad sign to (Y/n).

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