Chapter 1

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(Edited 30/06/2020)

Chapter 1

Percy's Point of View

I was watching as Harry poured over a book of magical theory when the yelling started. Harry had read this book before, and I had already had it memorised, so I was daydreaming slightly of what it felt like when we actually used our magic (wandlessly, of course, as we aren't yet old enough to have a wand) as the library door was flung open and our screaming parents came tearing into the room.

"What do you mean there are two letters from Hogwarts?" Lily was yelling at James, her fiery red hair looking like a messy halo of fury as her green eyes – Harry's green eyes – flashed with confusion.

James just ran a hand through his black mess of hair (the same hair we had) and groaned. "Exactly that, Lily-flower. Two letters – one for Charles, one for Harry."

A spark of confused recognition dimmed the furious flames in Lily's eyes. "Harry...?"

Harry stood up from where we had been distracted from his book, and I sighed as he opened his mouth to speak. "Yes mother?"

Both Harry and I flinched as Lily let out a small scream. "Who- what- how-?"

"Oh dear Merlin." Guilt dulled James' hazel eyes as he stared at us. "How could we for-"

"Forget us?" Harry finished his sentence. "Well, my memory is a little fuzzy, but I think it was something to do with the fact we are apparently had dissociative identity disorder. I don't have DID. Percy lives within me."

I mentally giggled as I saw our parent's shock slackened faces. Normal 11 year olds apparently didn't have the mental maturity that Harry and I did. It took a good minute and a half for our parents to collect their thoughts, but we waited patiently until they did.

"Honey, who's Percy?" Lily asked eventually.

"Percy is the other boy sharing our body. He's very nice, why don't you like him?" Harry asked, innocent confusion literally dripping off his words. I was just as confused. Did my parents hate me? I was always polite and kind to them, why didn't they like me?

Father frowned. "Harry, Percy doesn't exist. He's just a figment of your imagination."

Each word he spoke was like a bullet to my heart. In the back of our mind I broke down in emotional tears, shutting out the world as Harry shouted back at our father. You'd think I'd be used to this by now, having had at least 3 psychiatrists tell us the same thing when we were about 4, but hearing it from my own parents hurt a lot more. From the hot wet tears trailing down our cheeks it must have hurt and angered Harry too, but I was only vaguely aware of what Harry was feeling. I was drowning in a pool of pain and nothing was going to pull me out...

'Percy, snap out of it! Father is an ignorant idiot, don't listen to him!' Harry shouted at me mentally, equivalently slapping me across the face. Suddenly the pool of pain felt more like puddle.

'Thanks Harry.' I smiled weakly.

I returned my attention to our parents, who were looking rather confused at how to treat us. James had tried to tell us that I didn't exist, and Harry had gone from acting almost grown up to having a full on screaming fit. Then he had blanked the pair of them as he comforted me, which made them slightly mad. Now we were just staring at them, making both Lily and James really uncomfortable.

Harry poked me with a gentle soothing thought and we slowly merged. I couldn't read all of Harry's thoughts, but I was more in tune to his emotions and the thoughts he was sending to me, just as he was with me, giving both of us equal control over our actions. This wasn't something we did often, but when one of us was slightly emotionally unstable it made it easier for both of us to cope.

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