Chapter 4

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When Robert saw us, he started walking towards us. Like I said earlier, I was still a bit mad at him, at the way he yelled at Austin yesterday. And by looking at Lindsey's face expression, she wasn't too happy seeing Robert either. 

"What do you want?" I asked Robert.

"Are you mad at me or something?" He asked.

Lindsey and I nodded, why wouldn't we be. 

"Yeah, you didn't have to yell at Austin like that." Lindsey said.

I agreed "Why did you even kick Austin out anyway?" I asked. 

"Because... um... well... " Robert shuttered and scratched the back of his head.

I rolled my eyes and I kept walking and Lindsey followed me, but Robert grabbed my arm and gently pulled be back.

"C'mon, I don't like it when we fight. I don't get why you're mad at me. It's not like I yelled at you" He said.

"No but you yelled at Austin for no reason, and you didn't have too" I said looking up at him "I don't like fighting with you either"

He sighed "I'll apologize to him"


He smiled softly "Promise"

I nodded and we said Bye to each other, and I walked back to Lindsey.

"Do you want to go anywhere else?" She asked.

I shook my head "Not really, you?"

She shook her head "Nope" I told her to drop me of at my house and we walked outside to the parking lot. We got inside her car and she drove me home. She stopped the car when she got to my driveway, "Good luck on your date, you better text me the details." She said with a wink.

I laughed and nodded "I will, Bye" I hugged her and I got off her car and walked home. I went upstairs to my room and droped my bags on my bed. Then I went downstairs to get a water bottle and I heared my phone buzz. A text... from Austin!! I looked at it 'Hey Sky (: just to making sure, you can still go to the date right?'

I smiled to myself and replied 'Yeah I can (:' I grabbed a watterbottle and went back to my room. I turned on my laptop and logged on to Facebook. Zoey was online. 

'Hey!' She messaged me. 

'Hi' I replied. 

She took a while to write me back, and I took a sip of my water.

'Can I ask you something?' She asked.

'Yeah sure' I wrote back.

'Does Lindsey hate me, and by any chance, do you know who Alex likes?' She asked.

Is she crazy? I'm not answering that, well atleast not truthfully.

'She doesn't hate you & I can't tell you who he likes.' I replied.

'Aww but can you make an exception for me? Please!!' She replied quickly.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, she's sounds so desperate right now, and not to mention, obsessed... 

'I'm sorry I gtg bye.' I replied and I shut down my laptop. I looked at the clock, Still five, and still 3 hours left. I heared the door open & close, hearing guy voices, it must be Blake and his friends. I heard footsteps coming upstairs, yup it's them. Hunter had nice blue eyes and dark brown hair. James had brown floopy hair with green eyes, and Sebastian had blonde hair, and had cute  Dimples. His friends are actually really nice, we get along well. Blake opened the door to my room, and his friends were right behind him. I looked at them and smiled waving and they did the same.

"Yeah?" I said looking at Blake.

They chuckled, and then Blake said "Just wanted to know if you home already"

"Oh. Well I'm here, I just came like ten minutes ago" I said and chuckled.

He chuckled "Alright, did you go out with Austin already?" he asked."

"Nope not yet, we're going at eight." I said.

"let me know when you're going okay?" He asked. 

"I will" I nodded and he closed the door. I sighed and I laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. What am I suppose to do meanwhile? I still have 3 hours left. Well I guess I can go to the park for a bit. I got up and grabbed my phone putting it in my pocket. I grabbed my keys putting it in the other pocket and I walked downstairs out the door. I started walking towards the park, the park was almost empty luckily.  I sat down on the swings and swung, noticing someone was two seats away from me. I looked to see who it was and I saw that it was Alex.

Don't Leave Me (Austin Mahone Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon