Chapter 3

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"She looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear and I know now..." Ugh my alarm clock. I turned it off, and I still layed on my bed looking out the window. Another bright Sunny day. I dragged my feet out of my bed and stood up, ignoring the fact that I look like a zombie and I dragged myself to Blake's room. He was already awake, looking up at the ceiling. "Hey Blake" I said.

He looked looked at me "Hey Sky" He got up and pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Let's go get breakfast?" He asked.

I nodded "Yeah, I'm hungry" I said and Blake chuckled.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen, he looked through the cabinets, and the fridge. "What do you want to eat?" He asked.

I started thinking "Fried eggs?"

He nodded and took out the eggs, he fried them. Then I started thinking.... I have a date with Austin! I can't wait. I wonder where he's taking me. What am I going to wear? I'll text Lindsey so we can go to the mall for a bit. I'm so excited and so nervous for this date. Blake placed the eggs and orange juice infront of me. 

"Thank you"I said.

"No problem" He said as he started eating and so did I.

"Sky, just so you know, I'm not going to be home, I'm going to the skatepark with Hunter, Sebastian and James, then they're coming over." Blake said.

I nodded "Alright"

"Where are you going to do today?" He asked.

"To go to the mall, and then I have a date with Austin" I said, as I felt my cheeks turn red.

His eyes were wide open and smile apeared on his face. "And you didn't tell me until now?"

I laughed "He just asked me yesterday"

He chuckled "Well I hope you have fun" He looked up at me "But not to much fun.." he said making me laugh.

We finished eating and Blake did the dishes. I went to my closet and looked for something to wear. I picked out my outfit and went to the bathroom. I washed my teeth and took a shower. I wore high waisted shorts, black converse, and a red tanktop. Then I starighten my hair and I grabbed my phone and texted Lindsey

'Hey (: ' I texted.

'Hiya!' She replied and I chuckled.

'Whatcha up to?' I asked.

'Not much, you?'

'Nothing, want to go to the mall?'

'Sure! I'll be at your place in a few.'

'Okay' I put my phone in my pocket and walked downstairs and I saw Blake with his skatebored.

"You're leaving?" I asked.

He nodded "Yup, If you need anything just give me a call, bye" He waved and he skated to the skate park.

"Okay Bye" I waved and I closed the door. 

I played games on my phone waiting for Lindsey to come. Once I heard her honk the car, I walked out and got in the front seat.

Lindsey smiled "You have a date with Austin!"

I smiled and nodded "I know!!"

She smiled "Thats why we're going to mall right?"

I nodded and smiled "Yeah I need and an outfit to wear" 

She smiled and she started driving to the mall. I turned on the music, putting the music a little loud. I looked out the window and Lindsey and I talked. We got to the mall, and we went to a few stores, and I tried on dresses, and dresses, and I didn't like any of them. We were looking through them, and I chose a few dresses and so did Lindsey. I tried them on and went out to show her. I honestly didn't like how it looked on me, 

"What do you think?" I asked. 

She shook her head "I don't like it too much" 

I sighed "Me neither" I went back to the changing room, changing back to my regular clothes, and we walked out of the store "I don't like many of the dresses, they're either too fancy or to casual" I thought out loud. 

"Agreed" she said and we walked, looking at the stores, and she smiled at me. 

"What?" I asked with a confused look. 

"What If you don't wear dress?" she smirked.

"What?" I asked confused. 

She laughed and dragged me to a store. Lindsey picked out an outfit for me and she gave it to me "Try this on" She said.  I grabbed the clothes and went to the fitting room trying on the outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled to myseld, it's pretty. Not to fancy, but not to casual I smiled and I walked out to show Lindsey "Well?" I asked and turned around. 

"This one is perfect" She smiled. 

I smiled agreeing with her. I went back to the fitting room and I put my regular clothes on, and bought the outfit. We walked out of the store, and Lindsey and I continued walking arounf the mall, going to a few stores. She bought herself some outfits as well until we got hungry. We went to the food court and got some ice cream from ben and Jerry's, and sat down on a table. 

"I have a feeling Austin's going to ask you go be his girlfriend" Lindsey winked. 

I laughed " I Hope so" 

"Trust me, he'll ask you" She said smiling to herself. 

I giggled and I blushed "Just thinking about it gives me butterflies in my stomach" I really hope the date goes well. 

“You and Austin will make such a cute couple, I see it” She smiled. 

I giggled “And so do you and Alex” 

She smiled and she blushed, she really likes him. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on her too, he makes it so obvious. When we finished eating, we started walking around for a bit, until we saw Robert. Don't get me wrong, I'm still upset with him after he yelled at Austin like that for no reason.

Don't Leave Me (Austin Mahone Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora