➳thirty two

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I'm writing this for you
I don't know what to do,
but I'll send this letter to the place where you live;
Amongst clouds, angels, fog and mist
Heaven, they call it.
Because I know you live there,
No place, no person deserved you better, my friend.
I hope a smile breaks through on your visage when you read this,
Maybe while holding it gingerly in your magical hands,
Because I know you've been turned into an angel in that land.

You remember the day we met?
In nursery, you had crept
up to me in a green frock,
Asking me to colour some of your sketches which were drawn with a wriggling hand,
You had never been the one to sit uptight,
Always curious and so alive,
That day, while I coloured your pages,
We had together coloured a bond,
Our bond,
Which was supposed to be strong
But today when we are separated by a million miles between us,
Don't you think we're lost?

During high school days,
With our lips tainted red
And black lines stretched across our eyelids,
We'd laugh our hearts out
On infinite petty things laid out on a blue sky,
I thought nothing could have been better,
We could not have been happier,
The sky could not have been more blue,
But I had not seen it gradually become a darker hue.

Something had changed between you and me,
You often spaced out effortlessly,
Like you'd put up a facade around me.
Some softer melodies and tunes,
Songs that you used to love,
Didn't sound the same without you.
They didn't sound like music anymore,
But harsh tones that crushed me from inside.
We were growing distant,
I'd never want to part with my best friend,
But I knew it would come off,
Eventually you'd be back,
Chattering about some boy you couldn't keep your eyes off,
But I knew something was off
When you called me that dreaded night.

Your voice on the phone said
That you were afraid
Of something I couldn't point out
But I rushed out when you said,
"Please come here fast, I need you,"
I had thought that at last,
We'll talk it through
But maybe I had said too soon.

Did you really expect me to believe my eyes,
When I found you locked up in a dark room with a slashed wrist?
With thick, dark liquid oozing out of your arm.
And the note on your desk rattled my world, it said,
"I'm sorry my best friend, it isn't your harm."

I had found my best friend dead
Without a pulse,
And half of the body tainted red.
You left me in debt.
In debt of the happiness you gave me,
And now you lay there in that bed.
Death bed.
My eyes are set,
But tears won't rest.
You were my best
But now, what do I do?
Is this a test?

Memories are what I live by,
Delicately nestled into my chest,
I never wanted to say goodbye,
But hey angel, goodbye.

A/N: sorry for the lack of updates _ Been busy lately :(

BTW, sometimes I like writing fiction in poetry. Like this chapter. There are more chapters like chapter 18 (my favourite so far), and chapter 28. Comment what you think xx

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