Strongest And Best Brother: Pt 20

116 13 15

Mark's POV

"SEAN HOLD ON!" I yelled out as I felt my heart drop and shatter at the same time.

I pulled he mans arm up as he shot at the ceiling and pushed him over the rail of the ice rink.

I looked back at Sean as he exhaled and went limp.

I ran over to him and picked him up running out of the skating rink then out of camp. I knew speed was key at this point stoping for talking to him and trying CPR would be dumb as fuck.

I placed him in the car and acualy called 911 knowing LA is always busy as shit.

I got in the car as started it pulling off all while holing my phone to my ear with my shoulder.

A woman picked up the phone as I was speeding down the road.

"911 whats you're emergency?" She asked calmly.

"INeedTheRoadBlockedOffImComingFromNationalIplierSkateCampNowAtMillerInARedFordTruckRoadHeadedTowrsTheHospitalWithAKidShotWoundedFaintPulseNotBreathing!" I yelled as fast as I could, not breathing untill I was finished. I wasnt sure that she understood me but she was very nice.

"I'm on it you should have a strait shot to the hospital Sir." She said with a little rush in her voice but she stayed professional.

"Thank you." I said basically droping the phone not caring if I hung up or not.

I looked over at Sean once I hit a straitway street to see him still lifeless. I wanted to break Dow and cry but I wasnt going to let tears get in the way of Sens life.

I hit the center of town that was now all blocked off by cop cars and trafic cones except the way I was going.

It was a straight shot to the hospital. A pulled up on the curb on the emergency ER parking only not bothering to turn off my car.

Right as the car came to a stop nurses and doctors ran out with a bed stretcher and pulled Sean over the middle of the truck onto my lap. I opend the door getting out with Sean in my arms and ran to the bed stretcher laying him down and I was quickly drowned out by the nurses and doctors surrounding him.

They ran him in on the stretcher as I ran behind him not letting him out of my sight.

They pulled him into a room and I was pulled back by two men in security suits.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled as I felt tears fall down my face wetting the top of my shirt.

"Sir you need to calm down or you're-" 

"SHUT UP NURSE!" I yelled at the nurse trying to calm me down.

"Get him out off here." She said walking away as I was pulled back.

"FUCKING BARBIE BITCH!" I yelled. Not my best come back.

I was placed in the waiting room with one of the security guys still watching me from the front desk.

I cried,weeped and sobbed sometimes even choked from all the emotions not knowing what what to do or what would happen.

"Hey, you ok?" A familiar voice called out.

I looked up to see Jason and Tim with faces of worry.

"Yes I'm just fucking perfect." I put my face in my hands "perfectly fucking shattered."

I felt a hand on my back rubing small circles for comfort but it honestly did nothing.

Tim took my hands of my face and handed me a sticker from his poket that read 'strongest and Best brother'.

"Don't bring this topic up ever again or I'll have to move for highschool." Tim said as he turned his face away that as now red as he gripped his suspenders in embarrassment.

"Awww thank you." I said with a giggle and wiped away my tears.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He said walking away embarrassed.

A policeman walked over to me and asked if I was ok to talk about what happend and I nodded agreeing.

"So what's your name?" The police officer asked taking out a notepad and pen.

"Mark Edward Fischbach." I said slighty cringeing that I said my middle name.

"Ok, and the kids name?" He asked while writing on his notepad.

"Seán William McLoughlin." I replied flatly.

"Ok, and could you tell me what happened?" The officer asked.

'I would bet my life on him keeping his mouth shut, I trust him.' Echoed through my head.

"I don't know officer I found him laying down lifeless on the ice and put him in the car and immediately drove to this hospital." I lied and quickly felt guilt, I was never the person to lie even as a kid.

"Ok, thank you Mr. Fischbach." He said and walked away.

"Bullshit." Jason said siting down beside me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked playing the dumb card.

"Mark you're not a good lier." Jason said giveing me a sturn look.

"The only bullshit in this room is you're misunderstanding." I said looking away feeling the lie show on my face.

"I smell bullshit." Tim said laying under the chair with his head between my feet.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked looking down at Tim.

"Trying to make you laugh but I guess I failed." Tim said before making a look of regret.

"Are you stuck?" 


The doctor walked in and I stood up in worry and practaly broke any personal bubble the doctor once had.

"Is he ok!? what's wrong!? Is somthing wrong!?" I asked in panick before Jason placed a hand on my shoulder camlming me down.

"He's stable for now, there was a major blood loss but that's been taken care of." The doctor said looking at his clipboard. "Are you two siblings?"

"No he's a friend and I'm responsible for him while he is in LA." 

"Oh ok well then I assume you will be taking care of him?" The doctor questioned.

"Yes that's correct but we do live separate." I replied.

"Well we will talk about that stuff latter but you should sign these and return then to the front desk than go home and get some rest." The doctor said pulling some of the papers off the clipboard hand handing them over. "There's nothing you can do waiting here right now and we wont know when you will be able to visit him."

"Ok." I said taking the papers and felt the world around me slightly crumble not knowing if Sean would pull through.

The doctor walked away and Jason gave me a hug like he read my mind.

"You going to be ok?" Jason asked not letting go.

"Yeah." I replied simply looking at the papers.

"NO ONE ASKS HOW TIM FEELS!" Tim yelled and we both turned around to see him still stuck under the chair struggling as Me and Jason laughed.

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