"So it's settled."

"Yup." I smirk.

"When does our investigation begin?" Betty asks.

"Well I'm not really in the mood to go explore Thornhill, so why don't we do it tomorrow."

"Sounds good." She smiles. God, I love her smile.


We arrive at Betty's, and step out of the car. The air is frigid, so we rush inside. I take Betty's coat and hang it up as she goes to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. I think I should ask her about what Cheryl and her were talking about in the hospital room.

Then again she probably didn't tell me for a reason. That's why I didn't tell her about my mom. She texted me out of the blue earlier this week. Said she missed me and that if I wanted to move to Toledo, that Jellybean missed me too and I was welcome. I would never leave Betty, but I told my mom I'd think about it so I didn't sound mean. Not that that really matters I guess. She's the one who left me with my drunk father. The one who left me to take care of myself at just 12 years old. Tears brim at my eyes and I blink them away.

I don't want to make a big deal of it to Betty. It's not like I would leave her so all I would be doing is making her anxious over nothing.

Betty sets a mug of hot cocoa in front of me. With exactly 11 marshmallows. Just how I like it. I brush aside the thought of my mother and ask her about the conversation in the hospital room anyways.

"So Betts?" I ask.

"Hm?" She takes a sip of her hot cocoa, burning her tongue in the process.

"In the room earlier, you and Cheryl were talking about something, and then when I came in the room, you got all nervous." I mention.

"Oh uh, yeah" She trails off.

"What was that about?" I question.

"Well um..." she starts.

"Just tell me, Betty." I didn't mean to sound so mean, but I guess I did.

"She asked if we had sex! Happy?" She snaps.

"Oh-" I turn bright red.


"Uh," This is slowly becoming awkward.

"Do you wanna watch a movie on Netflix?" She suggests.

"I thought you'd never ask." We head down to the basement.



Today is the day Jughead and I are traveling to Thornhill. I head downstairs and grab my winter coat and the car keys, then make my way to Jughead's trailer. I pick him up and we arrive at Thornhill shortly. I park the car down the street so in case Penelope comes home, she doesn't see that anyone's here. I pick the lock and we enter the humongous mansion. A grand staircase leads to the second floor.

"So where do we start?" I ask.

"You take left I'll take right." Jughead let's go of my hand.

I cautiously make my way up the stairs. Trying every door. Only one was locked. I text Jug and tell him to meet me here then continue to try and pick the lock. Reading all those Nancy Drew books really was useful. After a minute the door finally pops open to reveal what I'm assuming is the master bedroom. It's like a small apartment in itself. Jughead arrives and we search the room together. There's a laptop open on a desk in the corner.

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