chapter four

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Jughead and I hugged for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was only about a minute. Tears were steaming down my face again. I sat down on my bed and he sat in my vanity chair.

"Jug, thank you." I said

"You don't have to thank me, Betty." He replied.

"Yes I do. I was so wrong to you and never apologized then after 4 years you forgave me. You didn't have to do that. Now, you're here in my room checking on me and you don't have to do that either." I tell him.

"Betty, this is what best friends do," he said, "and you don't need to feel bad about me forgiving you, you never knew you did anything wrong."

"I should've asked you why you were mad at me. I should have apologized." I say, looking down.

"Betty," he whispers, moving to sit on my bed, "don't feel bad about what's in the past." He pulls me into a hug.

I sit there, letting him hold me, crying into his shoulder. He was such a good person. We talked for hours after that. He's the only person who could cheer me up tonight.


I walk into school, afraid. I didn't want to see Archie, not now. I rush to my locker, keeping my head down. I heard footsteps behind me and quickly turned around, relieved to see Veronica.

"Hey, B! I'm having a party at the Pembrook tonight since my parents are out of town for business all weekend. You have to come." She tells me, excitedly.

"Is Archie going to be there?" I ask.

"Of course, B." She says, confused.

"Then I can't come." I reply, starting to walk away.

"What happened?." She asks me, pulling me back.

"We broke up because I wouldn't have sex with him." I state.

"Oh I'm so sorry," she says, "but you could use a party to keep your mind off of it."

"I'll think about it, V." I tell her, sighing.

"I will not take anything but yes for an answer."

"Fine," I reply, rolling my eyes and chuckling, "but one condition."

"That is..?" She asks.

"Jughead's invited, and Archie won't be there." I explain.

"Good news and bad news. Everyone's invited so Jughead can come, but Archie will probably be there." She responds.

"As long as Jughead is there I guess I'll be okay."


betty <3 : Hey Jug, be my plus one to V's party?

jug :) : idk Betty, Veronica's house...

betty <3 : pretty please :((( Archie will be there and I need you by my side

jug :) : fine

jug :) : you owe me

betty <3 : yay! be at my house at 8 and we'll walk there

jug :) : will do, cooper

I smile. He hasn't called me Cooper since we were 12. I miss those days. Everything was so much less complicated. I struggle finding something to wear. I don't want to dress like a slut, but at the same time, I want to show Archie what he's missing.

I decide on a nude bodycon strapless dress. I curl my hair and put on lipgloss, finishing my look by curling my lashes and putting on mascara. I don't have the energy to do a full face of makeup, besides it's already 7:56. Jughead should be here any minute.

Too Late ➳ BugheadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon