chapter eleven

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one week later

I wake up with trails of mascara running down my face and my pillow stained with black spots. The light peers in my window straight into my eyes. I wish my mom would let me get blackout curtains. I groan and turn around, closing my eyes in an attempt to get a few extra minutes of sleep before I have to get up for school. The last day before break to be precise. Jughead and I still haven't spoken. I've been wondering if he's called that man on the log of Penelope's checkbook. However, the thought of talking to him alone makes me stomach twist into knots, let alone asking him about the investigation we led together.

I wish I could hear those words again. We. Together.

I sigh and make my way to my bathroom. The new crescent moon shaped scars forming on my palm burn under the cool water. I wash my face and brush my teeth, then head to my closet, picking the first pair of jeans and a sweater I can get my hands on, and putting them on. I unplug my phone and start my walk to school.

It isn't long before I sense a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head. I increase my pace and glance behind me. Archie. My hands instinctively ball into a fist, and I quicken my pace yet again. I hear his footsteps in the distance slowly become more prominent. I realize how fast I'm walking when I make it to school and the group of students loitering in the school yard look at me full of judgement. I'm pretty used to it to be honest. I stop by my locker and grab my books for English then head to class, my head staying down the entire way there. I slip into my seat next to Jughead and avoid his gaze.

The rambling of our teacher is white noise and it's only when I hear "project" that my head pops up.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms Cooper." The classroom snickers.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"As I was saying," he begins, "you will be creating a series of poems with a partner to display your knowledge on the different types of poems we've learned about this past two weeks. You must do at least two haikus, two sonnets, two name poems, two cinquains, and finally, two free verse poems. Both partners will have to each write a poem in all five styles about the other. The project will be due one week after break ends, but if you turn it in the day we get back, you can get 10 extra credit points."

I sigh and glance at Jughead. He doesn't look reluctant, but rather somber. Maybe he was as miserable as me? As soon as the thought entered my mind, it quickly passed. He's the one who was hiding secrets from me. He didn't trust me. Then again, I was the one who told him to leave. But he still left. I know it was unfair to be angry at him for leaving, especially if I told him to go, but I still am. The form with all the project information and due dates were passed out just as the bell rung.

"Don't worry you don't have to meet with me, I'll just do the whole thing." I sneered.

"But the project is about each partners perspective on each other." Jughead replied.

"I'm a writer, Jug. I can get inside people's heads." I say. "I'll make sure to include how overdramatic I am in all the poems. Isn't that what you think of me anyways? Frankly, getting inside your head is pretty easy." I stuff the project paper into my bag and head into the hallway. Jughead follows behind me.

"Betty wait-" he catches up to me, "listen I'm sorry I said that I really didn't mean it but I need to tell you something."

"What?" I roll my eyes and turn around.

"I don't think it's the right place to tell you." He looks around at the crowded hallway.

"Just tell me the damn truth for once, Jughead." I scoff.

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