"I know what the Blade of Marmora meant to you, Keith." Shiro pulled him back to arm's length, "I'm sorry things turned out the way they did. But, more than anything, I'm just glad that - after all of that - you're ok."

Keith gave him a weak and crooked smile.

"Blade of Marmora or not, you're still part of the team here and this will always be a home to you." Allura reached to place a soothing hand on Keith's arm and he nodded.

"Thank you, Princess."

It warmed Keith to hear them say those things. And he knew they were sincere in their sentiments, but still, he only felt pacified for the time. There was still something swirling in the pit of his stomach about Vartex. He couldn't ask Shiro or Allura to keep any sort of eye on the place. Voltron had fewer resources than the Blade of Marmora and, according to their leader, they were already spread thin themselves. He knew he wouldn't be able to find any sort of respite until he had the answers he wanted. He just had to figure out how he could get them, especially now.

"Uhm, you ok?" Keith blinked out of his trance to find Lance waving a hand in his face.

"Lance..." Keith had left the control room after the conversation with Shiro and Allura had ended, absentmindedly making his way down the halls while his thoughts circled around Vartex. He never noticed Lance heading the opposite way and bumping into him.

"Everything alright?" Lance's brow piqued in light concern.

Keith thought a moment before glancing around and grabbed Lance by the wrist, leading him down a much narrower path. After a second turn, he stopped and wrapped his arms around McClain, burying his face in that perfect space between his neck and shoulder. "Thanks, Lance. I'm glad you had me come back." Keith tightened his embrace in emphasis. "I really needed this."

Lance's quiet, delighted surprised ebbed and a gentle smile moved across his lips. He hugged Keith back just as tight and Keith could feel what he missed in every other hug, even if he could quite place what it was. "Good. I'm happy to hear that."

Keith moved to smile gratefully for a moment and Lance took the opportunity to lean in for a kiss. Keith felt his heart race in a solitary second of nerves, but it was quick to pass once he felt the touch of Lance's lips. He leaned into it in answer. Keith hadn't intentionally snuck them away for a kiss. Really, all he wanted was a hug from Lance and to share a sincere thank-you. He wanted that particular piece he missed from everyone else, that soothing calm that no one else seemed able to provide. But why deny Lance's opportunistic theft? He admitted to himself the night before that kissing Lance was a succor he wouldn't turn away.

The kiss broke, and Lance reached to stroke Keith's cheek much in the same way as before and Keith smiled coyly. They could stay tucked away for a few more. Keith nosed lightly at Lance, a soft blush growing on his cheeks. Lance was quick to take the hint or, perhaps, he simply couldn't help himself. Either way, there were more than 'a few' kisses to follow.


The next day, Hunk had it in him to prepare quite the feast for everyone. He had disappeared for the better part of the day and kick anyone who dared enter out of the kitchen. He allowed a ration of snacks but even the grumbling of stomachs couldn't turn his heart for some nourishment. 'It'll ruin your appetite' he said, but to the chagrin of everyone. For the sake of everyone and their personal safety from the rages of 'hangry', the crew spent that time much to themselves - Lance wasn't entirely sure if that was the best situation for Keith; to stew in his own thoughts, but maybe he also needed some time to decompress. (Keith had actually managed to find some Zen in cleaning his Mamoran blade, the item hardly a trigger to any emotional distress. He actually enjoyed the time on his own in his room.)

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