Chapter 26

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You knock on the window of the lounge and wait for someone to open a window to let you in.

"Hi kid" Tony says as he opens the window and let's you fly in

"Hello"you greet as you touch down next to him

"I still don't understand how you can fly" tony says as he makes his way to the kitchen "you don't obey any laws of gravity or physics"

"Yeah I'm not great at following rules" you say with a laugh "Thank you so so much for the suit by the way! It's amazing and the Ada is incredible!"

"Ada?" Tony asked

"Oh the A.I you put in my suit, she didn't have a name so she let me choose one for her and we settled on
Ada" you explain

"You asked the A.I's permission to name it and waited until she liked the name to give it to her?" Tony asked looking at you

"Uh yeah," you say "I mean it's her name she should at least get an opinion on it don't you think?"

"How are you so polite to everyone?! Even robots!" Tony asks

"I don't know, I'm British!" You claim (yes in this story I have written you British)

Tony laughs

Then peter walks in

"Y/n!" He calls and you hug "sorry about fury"

"Don't worry, I had it worse with you guys" you say with a chuckle

"Oh yeah, sorry about your arm" Tony said as he scratches the back of his neck

"Don't worry it was fine after a day" you say

"Okay well I'm going to call an avengers meeting when the others get back from their mission so we can figure out what to do about firebolt"

*a few hours later*

*at meeting*

"I don't know when she will come back man" you say to Steve "I mean, my ice seemed to really hurt her like her fire hurt me, she looked pretty banged up"

"Yes but she could have a healing factor" he said

"But even when she does come back, what will we do?" Natasha asked as she folded her arms

"Uh to be honest, I'm not really sure" you say " I mean last time I just tried to piss her off, then she would shoot at me, then the second after she finishes shooting, that's her weakest point and that was when I would strike"

"Huh" peter said "well I mean it sounds like a good tactic but it didn't exactly end well"

"I know so we need to change it somehow"  you say with a shrug

"Well how about you show up alone" Tony said as everyone looks at him "then we make her think you are weak, then we do a surprise attack and we all give it our all at once

"Sounds like a plan" you say with a shrug

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