Chapter 18

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"Dear avengers

So I want to start by saying that I am so so sorry for being a nuisance, I overheard black widow talking to Pete, she said how this whole thing was getting everyone down and stuff and I feel really bad, but I can't let you catch me and give me to SHIELD- they would very much like me dead.

I'm sorry mr Stark for flying you into a building and I'm sorry for freezing iron man, Captain America, black widow and Hawkeye to the floor In that wear house"

-she froze you to the floor?-

-shut it Pietro-

-okay, okay!-

"I know I have put you in a real shitty situation and have pissed a fair few of you off, If it's any constellation I feel really guilty and would pay for the suit but I am also really broke  so I can't- my bad :/

Right so peter also told me the reason you guys wanted to catch me was to 'ensure I was on your side and not a threat' to which I can promise I am not a threat to you at all, unless I'm provoked I'm a pretty chill person (ha get it?) you also need to bring me to SHIELD because they apparently need to know how I got my powers for some reason but I can't let you take me there and I think you guys deserve to know why because well, you guys don't seem so bad!

Uh so like I said earlier I can't let you take me to SHEILD because I have a very rough past with HYDRA who I know have spies in SHIELD- trust me when I say 'very rough' I mean I kinda froze a whole bunch of their staff and five of their officers, threatened their leader (no I don't know who they are I sent the threat through someone) destroyed 3 big bases of theirs and have escaped their gasp and that really pissed them off, so all in all they hate my guts and would like to see them spilled across the floor so...

But I also hate their guts because, well this bits kinda a bummer so ya know if you want to leave do so, okay so I also said I would tell you lot how I got my powers, I have HYDRA to thank for that;

Thing is HYDRA have bases everywhere including England where they managed to kill my dad who I lived with and kidnap me when I was 3, HYDRA always like to have at least one human guinea pig at hand so if they want to experiment on them then they don't have to wait, I was that guinea pig.

They tortured me for 10 years, I was also trained in almost every form of combat. I had it worse than the other kid that was there- she was taken when I was 7 and she was 5 and so because she was younger than me, whenever the guards came to take her to be tortured I would have a fit and make them take me instead, her name was Anna and me and her got very close.

One day when I was 13 and she was 11 they decided to test a new kind of experiment on both of us, they wanted to give us powers, brainwash us and have us do their bidding.

They put us in separate small circular chambers and strapped us to chairs then they let the room fill up with freezing cold radioactive water, Anna didn't make it.

I went into a coma for a month, when I woke up I instantly wanted to know where Anna was and they told me she died, I'm not entirely sure what happened but I was told I went into a rage, i froze over 25 members of HYDRA'S staff and 3 officers, ended up blowing up that base and escaping, I ran, I was going to go to New York, I knew I mum was there so I tried to find her, on the way I was almost caught but HYDRA 11 times but I managed to escape, using my ice powers the radioactive water gave me, I wasn't entirely sure how to use them but I was being fuelled by the anger of Anna's death.

On the way I found another one of their bases, it was small but I took it down, I killed all the people there except one who I gave a message to, I told them to go to their leader and tell them I will freeze their heart.

Then I continued to New York where I found my mum and I have been living here ever since- using my powers to help people, I would make up for the people I killed- I know they were bad but they could have had families and I killed them, with every person I help I make up for a life I took.

God that was dark! But uh yeah every HYDRA agent knows to kill me on site so I can't let SHIELD take me, I'm sorry. If HYDRA even got a whiff of me I would be dead meat.

Thanks for understanding and you know, taking on HYDRA and stuff.

So yeah, sorry for causing you stress but I hope you now understand why I can't let you take me,

Lots of love

Cold front XXX

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