Chapter 12

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Hi so I accidentally deleted the last chapter and I don't want to write it again but it is basically about peters reaction and he takes it well and shit so....

* skip a few hours*

You stood on top of a building, overlooking New York, you hum quietly to yourself enjoying the scenery and listening to the distant sound of traffic down below

You look down at your phone, and see a text from peter

"Y/n avengers have your location move away from wherever you are!"

Oh crap

You silently curse yourself for not checking your texts sooner, it was from like 4 minutes ago! The avengers could be here any second!

You step forward and put your arms out to your sides with your toes dangling over the edge you smile to yourself and let yourself fall

The feeling of free falling and the wind rushing through your h/c hair was like no other, a few moments before you hit the hard concrete floor and suffered a probably very painful death you shot cold air out of your feet and began to sour upwards

You look back only to see non other than iron man himself standing on the very spot you just fell from, looking around- probably looking for you

You laugh and speed up occasionally hoping on a lamppost and watching frost gather where your feet hit it.

After flying for around 10 minutes you stop and take out your phone

"Thanks peter that was a close call but I got away- I don't think they saw me so thanks! X"

You hit send on your text to peter and carried on your day of helping the city

*time skip to a week later*
*at the avengers tower*

"GOD DAM IT" Fury Yelled as he banged his fists against the table Tony, Steve , Natasha and Clint were sitting at

"You STILL haven't got her!"

"Sir it's not our fault, every time we get close to cold front she leaves, it's like she knows when we are coming!" Steve said

"Not good enough!" Fury said "over the last week you have tried and failed to get the girl 9 times!" Fury spat out

"Hey it's not like you could do any better!" Tony said

"Yes that's why we have you!" Fury spat at Tony

"Sir there is no need for that" Natasha said holding her hands up in hope to stop Tony from being killed because of his big mouth

" do ya think she can sense danger like peter" Clint said

Everyone looked at him- he had been unusually quiet this meeting and usually didn't give helpful information

"Hey that's actually a great idea" said Tony

"I have my moments" Said Clint grinning

"Well how about you lot go and talk to mr Parker and see how that sense things work" Fury said as he crossed his arms

"Yippee! We can go!" Clint says as he hops up

He revived a glare from fury but he doesn't notice- or he chooses to ignore it

The rest stand up and make their way to the door

"I expect you to catch cold front soon or there is going to be trouble" Fury said

Natasha glared at him and left swishing her hair over her shoulder

*time skip like 5 minutes*

"Hey Pete?" Steve calls as he walks into the living room

"Hi Captain" peter said not looking away from the television as he continued to watch some kind of anime

He seemed much happier this week but Steve didn't think much of it. Tony, natasha and Clint follow him in and sat down on one of the many sofas Tony has in this living room.

"Uh peter can I ask you something?" Captain said

"Sure" peter said turning of the T.V and looking his way

" it's about your spidey senses"Steve said

"Yeah how do they, you know, work?" Clint said earning a glare from Steve

"Uh well I just kinda get a feeling? I don't know it's hard to explain, it only happens when danger is coming and I can feel like a tingling and I just kind of know where it's coming from I guess? Why do you need to know?" Peter asked sitting up

"We think cold front might have them because she always knows when we're coming" Tony said

"Stark!" Steve yelled " we weren't going to tell him that!" Tony just shrugged.

"Oh I'm pretty sure cold front doesn't have them, I mean she is good in combat and so she can tell like when someone is gonna like hit her sometimes but I don't think she has any like powers that would tell her" peter said shrugging and trying to hide the fact this conversation was making him very uncomfortable because he is a shit lier and doesn't want to give away your secret

"Dam it!" Natasha said "so how'd she know when we're coming?"

Peter shrugged "don't look at me"

"Do you know something we don't kid?" Tony asked

"W-what no!" Peter exclaimed "ok I'm gonna go now bye!" And he walked swiftly off

"Well that was weird" Clint said as he stared at the door peter just left through

"He is hiding something, I'm sure of it!" Tony said

"Like what?" Natasha asked

"I don't know but it's something to do with cold front" Steve said "and we're going to find out what"

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