Chapter 20

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So I accidentally deleted that last chapter but it wasn't important, you and peter basically just went and fought crime so I'm not going to re-write it because I'm lazy xx
*at avengers tower*

Peter climbed through his bedroom window of the avengers tower, and smiled to himself, you and him make a great crime fighting team

He changed out of his suit into some jeans and a dark blue hoodie and went down to the kitchen where he found an uncomfortable looking Tony and Steve and a crying Wanda who Pietro who
was trying to comfort her

"Uh hi" peter said awkwardly "you ok Wanda?"

"She's sad about cold front" Tony explained

"She is just a girl!" Wanda sobbed looking up at him

"I know- I know"Tony said

"Uh she's fine by the way, I was just with her" peter said trying to reassure wanda

"You were?!" Steve asked

"Uh yeah" peter said

"Peter we need to talk about this" Tony said "let's go somewhere else" he then walked out of the room followed by Steve and a nervous peter

They got to the living room and sat on 2 separate sofa's, one with Tony and Steve on it and the other with peter

"She knows your identity doesn't she?" Tony asked

Oh shit! This is what it was about! Peter thought

"Uh no?" Peter said but it came out as more of a question

"She referred to you as peter" Steve pointed out


Shit are they going to stop me from hanging out with y/n?

"Do you know hers?" Tony asked

"Maybe?" Peter said as he was unsure of the answer they wanted

"Good because if she knows yours but you don't know hers then she could easily use it as blackmail" Tony

"Oh come on!" Peter Yelled "you still don't trust her?!"

"It's not that it's just,-uhhh" Steve stuttered

"Yeah we don't completely trust her" Tony finished

"Why?!" Peter asked

"Look it's nothing against her, we trust she's against HYDRA but we just don't really know her so we're not going to make an assumption of her character because we have never properly been introduced to her" said Steve

Suddenly an alarm rang and red lights flashed

"Sir it appears something has smashed through the window of the longe" FRIDAY said

"That glass is bullet proof" Tony yelled

Tony, Steve and peter stood up and ran to the lounge, there they saw a very odd site

*2 hours prior*

You and peter had just stopped 2 store robbery's, a mugging and helped a lost little girl when peter had to go home,

You waved goodbye and continued your patrol, things had got kind of quiet so you sat on a roof top and sighed to yourself

Then in the distance, on the outskirts of the city you saw a huge explosion, you didn't hesitate, you instantly got up and flew towards the now smoking area.

You stepped down and saw a huge partially collapsed wear house and fire everywhere, luckily you didn't see any people but there could still be casualties that couldn't make it out so you carefully made your way inside.

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