Chapter 23

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*a week later*
*you are fully healed*

"Thank you so much again mr stark for letting me stay this week" you say to Tony who was seeing you off, as well as some of the other avengers

"Don't worry about it kid, and I will be sure to get that suit to you soon" he replied

"You really don't have to, I'm fine in a hoodie and buff" you say

"Nu-Uh" he says as he shakes his finger at you "all the avengers get suits from me, it's rules, and since you're an avenger now it's only fair"

"Thank you so so much" you reply gratefully

"Don't mention it" he replied

"Woah I have never seen Tony be nice to anyone but peter before" Clint laughed

"Hey!" Tony yelled

"Guess you have a soft spot for kids stark" Natasha comments

"I do not!" Tony yells

"Alright" Natasha said rolling her eyes at him

"Well bye then" you wave as you begin to walk home with peter

"Bye! Peter be back soon" Steve said

"Okay bye!" Peter yelled

*the next day*

You wake up to a knock at your door, you throw on a dressing gown and cautiously make your way to the door

"Hello?" You yell

"It's happy" the voice called " I have a present from mr stark"

You open the door to happy and let him in, he puts a suitcase in your kitchen table, you thank him and he gets up to leave but before he does you ask

"Any idea what it is?"

"Didn't he tell you?, it's your suit" he replies flatly

"What?!" You yell

"He said he told you" happy replied

"I didn't think he was serious!" You yell excitement running through you

"Well he was" happy said as he opened you door and left

You stare at the suitcase, unable to believe a suit from Tony Stark for you was in there, then you open it and are met with a mix between black and blue suit,

You pull it out and look it over, it was beautiful, it was light and looked comfy

It had a light blue buff sewn in and a black hood, the chest was black with blue glitter and the arms were the same colour as the buff, there was a blue belt strap,the legs were black and the feet had the same blue glitter the chest did and there were black fingerless gloves (see crappy picture I drew at top because I'm bad at describing and also drawing... I'm so sorry)

You quickly change into it and squeal in delight! It was perfect!

Suddenly you hear a voice

"Hello miss l/n how may I be of assistance?"

"Ah!" You yell in surprise

"You appeared be in distress" the voice said "how may I help?"

"Are you in the suit?!" You yell as you take the hood off

"Yes miss l/n mr stark programmed me in so I could help you, there is another A.I in mr Parker's suit"

"Oh, ok suit lady" you say " I'm gonna take you for a test drive, that ok?"

"Of course miss l/n" suit lady said

"You don't have to call me that, just call me y/n" you say

"Okay y/n" suit lady said

"This is gonna be great" you say as you jump out of your window, exited to stop crime

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