Chapter 34 - In a Daze

Start from the beginning

"I've never done that before," Sebastian finally speaks, sounding amazed and relief courses through me at his tone.

"Done what?" I ask, curious as to what exactly it was he was referring to. My mind was still a little hazy and it was still trying to process the intensity of what we just did.

"Looked into your eyes like that," he says in awe. "Just when I thought you couldn't be more beautiful, you blow my goddamn mind again."

"Me too," I admit shyly. "You surprise me, Sebastian."

"As do you, sweetheart, as do you."

I felt him kiss my tousled mane as his voice telling me he loves me faded in the background while I fell into a deep sleep.

End of Flashback

"Seb, Chris! Josh and Meredith are here! Stop hogging the vanity!" I shout from the kitchen to let my two best boys know that they need to be out of the house so that they won't be late for the shoot. I hand Meredith and Josh two steaming to go mugs for their bosses to drink on their way to their location.

"I swear, I woke them up at like, six AM! What the hell's taking them so long?!" Josh chuckles at me while Meredith politely smiles, only having met me today.

"Five minutes!" The two man-boys scream back at me and Josh snorts while Meredith finally breaks out into a giggle.

"Ugh, boys," I say with the slightest tinge of annoyance in my voice. Josh comes round to my side and kisses the side of my head.

"You see, Mer, Seb's Rae here wakes up at promptly five thirty in the morning, not a second later or earlier. It's what, almost 9? Those boys we call our employers are lucky this lovely woman right here is the editor in chief of the hottest new magazine right now, otherwise, her ass is so fired for being late!"

"Not to mention deported," I mumble.

"I love Escape," Meredith says. "I already have a subscription. That launch you guys had? Fucking brilliant. I can't believe you were able to pull that off in so short a time."

"Oh, you compliment me too much already," I say, waving a dismissive hand at her while feeling my cheeks warm up. "I just got thrust into a good situation and turned it into the best possible one I could."

Mer was about to say something in response when finally, Sebastian and Chris poke their heads in the kitchen with goofy smiles on their faces. My breath hitched when I saw my man clean shaven, not a trace of stubble in those sinfully sharp cheekbones of his.

"Rae?" I blinked my eyes a few times when Mer's voice floats faintly in my ear. I shake my head to clear up my foggy mind and fixed the best friends a stony glare.

"Thank you for finally deciding to show up, gentlemen," I say sarcastically as they saunter in. Chris winks conspiratorially at Sebastian who shamelessly shoves Josh aside to pull me for a steaming kiss that had my insides all turning into putty. The three other people in the room seemingly fading away as the only thing I became fully aware of was Sebastian's smooth face cupped by my hand and his scorching hot lips probing my needy ones open. I didn't even realize his hands were hovering dangerously close to my ass when three other voices suddenly screamed--


Seb abruptly jumps away from me, effectively breaking contact with me. I was in such a daze, I barely registered he was smirking to the other 3 people in the room with us while rubbing the back of his neck. Me? I had to hold on to the edge of the kitchen counter to keep me vertical, otherwise, my ass would've went straight down and kissed the marbled floor. Sebastian, the bastard, gives me one more long, hard kiss in the mouth before beckoning everyone that they should be going as they were already running a little late.

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