004 장 | 01 시즌

61 14 2

Donghyuk pulls Yunhyeong away from talking to Minu's mum. He wants Yunhyeong to help him to pick up some stuff from the inside of the house. But, nothing seems to be done by science or people. Maybe, it's the Him people again who wants to play around.

Jinhwan is now talking to the chief of police, Mungyun while Chanwoo is sneaking into private talk with his cat figure. Junhoe is left alone to talk to Minu's mum but when he realises that Minu is alone and no one is talking to him, he asks Minu's mum for him to stay with Minu.

As she agrees, Junhoe smiles and steps closer to Minu.

But, Junhoe is definitely shook when Minyu suddenly talks alone and it looks like someone is actually there.

On the same time, Donghyuk suddenly jumps off from the first floor and extends his hand that has a torch in it. A special kind of torch. The light from the torch went to Minu and suddenly, a shadow man comes into invisibility.

Jinhwan, Yunhyeong, Chanwoo and Donghyuk chase the shadow like crazy while Junhoe is left alone because he is so blur of the thing he needs to do. Did he just see a shadow man? Like, shadow though. How can shadow speak?

"What the hell just happened... Why did I ask for this kind of job. I want to be a detective to people. Not to not so people." Junhoe talks to himself.

Mungyun comes to approach him. "Are you from SUID? We need your help to take care of Minu. We need to get his mum to the police station for a more detail report. Because it seems like this family has something to do with all this seriel killing thing."

Junhoe is actually still blown away. But, he nods in agreement.

The policemen left like nothing happened. Did they do not see what happened or did they just really want to leave it to S.U.I.D team for them to manage?

Junhoe is drown in his thought until Minu grabs his hand.

"Hyung, I want ice cream."


To be continued

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